Could somebody please breakdown the different periods for the stages of growth?

I am confused mainly about when does the plant count as a seedling or vegetative.

I’ve seen some refer to vegetative as soon as the germinated seed is planted, others after the cotelydons have grown for a few weeks.

my main query is after the seed has been put into a solo cup, around how many weeks before I should transplant?

And if i do transplant how many weeks approximately do I keep the baby growing in vegetative before i can begin flowering?

these are feminized seeds and i get that the times can vary by strain and type etc., i was just trying to measure rough timelines for each stage to kind of guide me on the process.

Sorry if these questions are silly! I have just gotten all confused by all the material out there!
The plant is in the seedling stage for the first week or two. They are considered to be in vegetative growth once the first set of multi-fingered (3 or more fingers) leaves are on display. You can flip to the flowering schedule as early as you want, but they won't start flowering until they reach sexual maturity, which is usually at about the 4th week of vegetation. I personally keep mine in veg for 6-8 weeks so they have time to build a nice root ball and strong stems.
First week or two?
More like up to 5-8 weeks
4th week maturation buddy you are dreaming... unless you are talking about clones which doesn't seem like it

8-10 Weeks to show sex if not a bit more from seed unless obviously you are using Fems

The longer you veg the quicker it will begin flowering
Ive had even 2 month old plants take much lmuch onger to flower than clones, clones have that energy ready to grow after being through the cloning process

Depends on your goal if you are tying to flower it right away id give it two months minimum in veg then you can flip the lights 12/12

If you are trying to keep it as a mother start taking clones whenever you think its big enough first top it at 10-12 inch and it will start to bush out each time you top it you can take more clones.
First week or two?
More like up to 5-8 weeks
4th week maturation buddy you are dreaming... unless you are talking about clones which doesn't seem like it

8-10 Weeks to show sex if not a bit more from seed unless obviously you are using Fems

The longer you veg the quicker it will begin flowering
Ive had even 2 month old plants take much lmuch onger to flower than clones, clones have that energy ready to grow after being through the cloning process

Depends on your goal if you are tying to flower it right away id give it two months minimum in veg then you can flip the lights 12/12

If you are trying to keep it as a mother start taking clones whenever you think its big enough first top it at 10-12 inch and it will start to bush out each time you top it you can take more clones.
You should know what you are talking about before you tell someone they "don't have a clue".

If you have plants still in the seedling stage at week 5-8 then your doing something incredibly wrong. And, yes, sexual maturity can show as early as 4 weeks in veg. I currently have a male plant that was showing sex on the 18th day from sprout (less than 2 weeks in veg).
"Seedling" is semi subjective, because it simply means a young plant grown from seed.

For me, I consider a plant a seedling for roughly 2 weeks from the time it sprouts. Beyond that, it's just a plant.

As for when to transfer, again I'd say roughly 2 weeks, ir its 2nd/3rd real leaf set. Make sure the soil is fairly dry during transplant. Helps the roots hold the soil together nd prevent root damage.

And like TreefarmerCharlie said, you can change your light schedule to 12/12 whenever you want really, but the plant needs to be sexually mature before it will actually flower, so a younger plant will take longer to transition to flower, where an older plant may only take a few days to a week.

Really though, you want to switch to 12/12, when it best makes sense for your environment. If you have weak lights, or a small space, keep your plants smaller/more compact. If you have large space with high powered lighting, you can allow for bigger plants and longer veg times.

Plants will grow 2x (sometimes 3x) larger during flower. So you want to make sure you compensate for that by not overgrowing your plant in veg, which would leave no space for growth during the first weeks of flower
"Seedling" is semi subjective, because it simply means a young plant grown from seed.

For me, I consider a plant a seedling for roughly 2 weeks from the time it sprouts. Beyond that, it's just a plant.

As for when to transfer, again I'd say roughly 2 weeks, ir its 2nd/3rd real leaf set. Make sure the soil is fairly dry during transplant. Helps the roots hold the soil together nd prevent root damage.

And like TreefarmerCharlie said, you can change your light schedule to 12/12 whenever you want really, but the plant needs to be sexually mature before it will actually flower, so a younger plant will take longer to transition to flower, where an older plant may only take a few days to a week.

Really though, you want to switch to 12/12, when it best makes sense for your environment. If you have weak lights, or a small space, keep your plants smaller/more compact. If you have large space with high powered lighting, you can allow for bigger plants and longer veg times.

Plants will grow 2x (sometimes 3x) larger during flower. So you want to make sure you compensate for that by not overgrowing your plant in veg, which would leave no space for growth during the first weeks of flower
Agree more or less it's a personal thing.
My buddy considered it a seedling till first transplant 1-4 weeks all depending on plant.
I tend to go with 2 weeks all depending on plant.
I have a seedling right now sprouted on 13/4.. so 3 more days then I look at repotting it I can provide a pic for some reference.

I tend to repot with heavy damp soil. Not enough that you could ring water out but enough to hold a solid shape.
Again repotting is kind of a personal thing.

The timeline I'm going to work with will be
2-4 weeks seedling (from sprout till repot) find a size you like to consider it a young plant then repot.
4-8 weeks of veg. Again this is 100% up to you. Think about how much space you have. Plan for it to triple in size. If it only doubles then you planned well and have lots of extra head room.

My white widow says 8 week flower. But really it could be ready in 7 or 10 or 14. Get a magnifying glass and watch trichome progress. Clear, milky, amber.

Last of all.
Have fun, experiment.
Dont over think it. I do it my self and it's no fun.
Welcome to RIU
I don't know if it is really subjective or if different growers just start their count at different times. When I was first confused about when the plant is in vegetative growth I did a lot of research on it. The only conflicting information I found was that some definitions said that the plant is in vegetative growth "when the first multi-finger leaves grow" and some others said "when the first multi-finger leaves with the full count for the strain grow". So some consider the first 3 finger leaves as veg growth and some don't consider it in veg until there are more than 3 fingers.
8-10 Weeks to show sex if not a bit more from seed unless obviously you are using Fems

The longer you veg the quicker it will begin flowering

The showing of sex in veg is strain dependent. Most of my strains show sex at about week three to four. A couple don't show at all until forced to in flower. To put that in context, I've grown over three dozen strains in my indoor adventure.

Longer veg doesn't provide quicker flowering. That's strain dependent as well. I used to run a perpetual for quite some time where I was starting from seed/clone in 12/12. All plants will flower when the light cycle is proper.
I don't know if it is really subjective or if different growers just start their count at different times. When I was first confused about when the plant is in vegetative growth I did a lot of research on it. The only conflicting information I found was that some definitions said that the plant is in vegetative growth "when the first multi-finger leaves grow" and some others said "when the first multi-finger leaves with the full count for the strain grow". So some consider the first 3 finger leaves as veg growth and some don't consider it in veg until there are more than 3 fingers.
I think people get set into how they determine seeding to young plant.
Like I consider my buddy to let his go to long as a seedling. But he thinks I moved mine up to soon. Personally I think do what you think is best.