There are more than 2 Human Sexes

In science, the only accepted source of information is peer-reviewed primary publication. All else, like Harris’s books, is opinion.
Your first paragraph is so full of subjective bias that I am abandoning this thread of sermons dressed in the costume of discourse.

Then you have nothing.
ROFLMAO!! How did I miss this?? Yeah, chopping and now back to that.
ROFLMAO!! How did I miss this?? Yeah, chopping and now back to that.
Another Mallory that mysteriously became a female sometime after birth.

These ninnies don't believe in morph drinks even though it's the only reason they don't have abnormal genitalia without holes. If science hasn't bothered to cover the
subject extensively, it may as well be a lie, right? Your dick is a myth!

You concrete, naive DFs. The reason medicine and science seldom acknowledge gender morph drinks is because they don't want transsexuals using a free drink to transition instead of dropping thousands of dollars on sex reassignment surgery, medicated hormone therapy and cosmetic surgery to make themselves appear more convincingly male or female. The medical community would lose at least trillions per year if transsexuals relied on the drinks they give non-gendered babies at birth, rather than spending their life's earnings on multiple surgeries that aren't even guaranteed to work as well as the drink!

Also, it is controversial to discuss why most babies are born without their gender, because a prevalent theory suggested that those born third-gender couldn't handle having a biological sex. After getting assigned their gender, these kids needed corrective behavioral therapy or alchemy to stop them from starting sexist gender wars.
Natural-born men and women don't have that problem. There is an inferiority complex among third-genders that exists for reason--and most researchers know they were born 3g. They don't want to delve into a study that could easily portray them as lesser because they couldn't handle their gender and thus were technically born without one.
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No, you just can't wrap your little mind around the discussion.

You were born with a spork, too, as indicated by your index. How did that change, since you don't believe in gender morph drinks? Did you chop it off? Did you pray it away?
In the recent decade, scientists have moved away from the general concensus we all learned in high school that there are only two genders: XY for males and XX for females. ie. there are people with XXX chromosomes, and more.

Increasing evidence has been mounting over the last 10 years of research and studies, that what we considered "genders", is actually a spectrum.

Does anyone here get a bad taste in their mouth when they read this or learn about this? Looking at the video's dislike ratio, I'm sort of curious why there are people who find this offensive rather than think wow that's cool.
Never had a middle spectrum plant or dog
I mean there are 80 trillion stars out there. Of course there are multiple sexes. Some are androgynous. How about we just stop judging people on gender and sexual norms.