LED strip Lords. I need your guidance.

Thanks for the heads up @diyled

We have a new Lord of the strips, father of diodes.
The rightfull led strip of Gondor. Blah. More confinement crazy gibberish.

Lukio, youve grown plenty with 3000k 80cri, why not have a go at the vestas? With matched diodes and watts per diode or amnesia was better/faster/yieldier than various of samsungs 80cri spectrums. And theyre less than a tenner.

You saw OGs grow with highlights which are really similar in spectrum.
The rightfull led strip of Gondor. Blah. More confinement crazy gibberish.
haha! House Rollitup...lol...in my head i had the longest most ridiculous title...but stopped short of going and looking completely insane

hmmm do i vesta it? where does one buy Vestas in Europa, dude? is that what you would do for the racks? did we talk about this? soz...everything is so hazey at the mo...more than usual...
haha! House Rollitup...lol...in my head i had the longest most ridiculous title...but stopped short of going and looking completely insane

hmmm do i vesta it? where does one buy Vestas in Europa, dude? is that what you would do for the racks? did we talk about this? soz...everything is so hazey at the mo...more than usual...
Have you tried a uk blux distributor? I got one here in spain and they give good prices, apparently blux take care of them so they can compete with the global ones like arow/digikey.

We talked about eb gen 3, but vestas are nice for racks, you have a 5000k spectrum to throw in at first sign of stretch... But id rec some kind of water proof covering or something. Chip cost works out around 15$ per foot
ah yeah its all coming back!

Have you tried a uk blux distributor?
i havent, man. im slacking...i'll look this eve/tmrw morn.

But id rec some kind of water proof covering or something
yeahhhhhh im not doin that (i know)....ive got trays bigger than my reservoirs so its impossible to flood anything...in theory. RIP lukio.

my future space is in the middle of nowhere...and vast...
ah yeah its all coming back!

i havent, man. im slacking...i'll look this eve/tmrw morn.

yeahhhhhh im not doin that (i know)....ive got trays bigger than my reservoirs so its impossible to flood anything...in theory. RIP lukio.

my future space is in the middle of nowhere...and vast...
Hit me up if you like, ive built for large cannopies, +20 meters...
where does one buy Vestas in Europa, dude?

About a £10er per strip including vat

@Rocket Soul what driver/drivers did you use with the Vesta strips/stripes?
1 driver per channel?
Vegaswinner's 3000k 90cri and 5000k double channel boards do the job quite well run on the one driver.
I only use the in flowering, after stretch at about week 4/5

About a £10er per strip including vat

@Rocket Soul what driver/drivers did you use with the Vesta strips/stripes?
1 driver per channel?
Vegaswinner's 3000k 90cri and 5000k double channel boards do the job quite well run on the one driver.
I only use the in flowering, after stretch at about week 4/5
I used 12 strips on a hlg240-48A with voltage turned up, 2 strips in series per bar, 6 bars over more or less 2.5x4. i had everything connected in wagos so i could split the current over both ww and cw or send it down one channel by switching a cable. But it was a MASSIVE rats nest of cables. Never again like that caus i couldnt find the right wagos at first (stoned and stupid) so it was sort of cables leading to wagos leading to more wagos. Embarrassing. I got some 8 way wagos which sorted it a bit but redoing it id go with some kinda cc driver that works with 5-6 strips. 150-175V something.

But i think one driver is enough: you get the cw the ww and the mixed half and half which is around 4000k 90cri: flowers like 3000k 80cri more or less and as per a few peeps: one of the best led vegg spectrums. I dont know if i really need more controllability. Especially since it means saving a driver.

There are ways of hitting other spectrums by mixing channels with ww and cw for example 2:1
i dont suppose you PgP?

Thanks @Moflow i will have a proper mooch this eve... got a greenhouse to build, the bloomin tomatoes have sprouted havent they (: planted loadsa stuff... hope ya stayin safe.
I've my Russian Tomato seeds planted, just waiting to see if they'll pop or not, they're a few years old ffs lol.
I stuck 20 hollyhock seeds in trays yesterday too.They can grow to 8ft tall!
I love flowers in the garden but due to lockdown they're hard to get hold of. I found some viola that had overwintered and I moved them plus some california poppies.
its a magical land where anything goes! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy
It's quite widely used

waiting to see if they'll pop or not
fingers crossed man. ever grown them before? i went for the millions and they threw in some Busch?? tomatoes too, so those also. Hollyhock look nice, theres a dene near me that gets absolutely covered in snap dragons every year that i always really like. so i ordered some of those...theyre kinda similar looking...

blaaaady greenhouse ha! nothing was labelled so its currently spread all over the garden...and how have they made something so simple use so many parts? mind blowing!
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its a magical land where anything goes! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy

fingers crossed man. ever grown them before? i went for the millions and they threw in some Busch?? tomatoes too, so those also. Hollyhock look nice, theres a dene near me that gets absolutely covered in snap dragons every year that i always really like. so i ordered some of those...theyre kinda similar looking...

blaaaady greenhouse ha! nothing was labelled so its currently spread all over the garden...and how have they made something so simple use so many parts? mind blowing!
Got 3 snapdragons that survived the winter showing signs of life. Liĺlies are shooting up now too, can't go wrong with them.
I've loads of container growing plants too.

I have got given 2 Autoflower seeds itching to go in, Dinafem white widow cross and Short Stuff purple Gorrilla.
A few options.
Start Grow indoors under 24 light then transplant outdoors in a couple weeks, might get bigger plants....
Some peeps say start autos in final container tho.
Pots seem best as I can move them round the garden to maximise the Sun light.
And the garden is full of solar leds that'll come in handy at night lol
Seems too cool outdoors at the moment. 4 - 5°C last night.
Taking some Gorrilla clones later on today.
its a magical land where anything goes! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy
It's quite widely used

fingers crossed man. ever grown them before? i went for the millions and they threw in some Busch?? tomatoes too, so those also. Hollyhock look nice, theres a dene near me that gets absolutely covered in snap dragons every year that i always really like. so i ordered some of those...theyre kinda similar looking...

blaaaady greenhouse ha! nothing was labelled so its currently spread all over the garden...and how have they made something so simple use so many parts? mind blowing!
Is it something like wickr? Is there an app?
Got 3 snapdragons that survived the winter showing signs of life.
oh happy days. is it too late to plant them or will i be alright? noticed it was still nippy, been bringing things in. planted cucumbers and spring onions too. Had a couple Blueberry bushes and a gooseberry (i think, was pretty stoned when i ordered it) arrive too, via Amazon...gone proper Alan Titchmarsh, not that he orders shrubbery off Amazon.

Good luck with the autos, ive sucked twice at those. outdoors sounds a good idea...in moveable pots sounds a winner too.

I'd have to check the postman wasnt gonna grass me up before planting any weed in my garden...the friendly bastard walks pretty much right into my kitchen these days, thought he was staying for coffee last friday..."that smells nice lukio" he's shouting up the path before he gets to my open back door, im thinking weed, he's talking about the ground coffee beans...had a heart attack i did haha!

Is it something like wickr? Is there an app?
hmmmm i dont think theres an app but might be wrong. nothing on any mobile operating system is secure imo.
coolio. i'll build just one to begin with...n see how its lookin. its for the racks so plants real close...
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