Lockdowns work.


Well-Known Member
Yup it’s a huge deal up here as to how our long term care has become a killing ground due to lax protocol and protection. If only they had lockdown sooner there would be far less death. It’s a criminal investigation now. My ex’s aunt just tested positive at 83 so she’s been handed a death sentence and will die alone. I was reluctant to mention it because some here may use it as a bizarre justification for freedom to sun bathe :(.
I've got a sister who is 83 and in poor health in one here, I don't expect to see here again and haven't for awhile. We've got lot's of covid-19 here in NS too, nursing homes are like the canaries in the coal mines, folks die alone.


Well-Known Member
she was on her way out for years now, we’re just happy she went peacefully

I just find the idea that the transmission of covid to her and others like her wouldn’t be mitigated by lockdown measures and quarantines

It’s literally retarded
Is that why there's no direct evidence that such measures have in fact had any effect on the rate of transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus? The same virus that she caught, despite such measures. The same virus you thought wasn't going to be a pandemic back in early January. The same virus you said you have likely been infected with, despite those lockdown measures.

Seems you're glad she died.


Well-Known Member
That’s what I’m pissed about. I’ve done my part and isolated in good faith only to have imbeciles out and about making my effort a waste of fucking time. Yes lockdowns work if an actual fucking lockdown.
And if tested positive do we get to put a bullet between their eyes if they step outside their door? Just curious is all.
Just wanted to make sure this doozy stays up. Try not to go on a white-guy gun rampage, boomer!


Well-Known Member
"WAAA my grandmother died peacefully and without pain while seeing her descendants prosper and knowing her great grand daughter is well fed and clothed"

Brought to you by the same person who makes homophobic remarks and calls people retarded daily.


Well-Known Member
"WAAA my grandmother died peacefully and without pain while seeing her descendants prosper and knowing her great grand daughter is well fed and clothed"

Brought to you by the same person who makes homophobic remarks and calls people retarded daily.
well you have turned into a retarded piece of shit though

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to make sure this doozy stays up. Try not to go on a white-guy gun rampage, boomer!
You’ve wished harm to people here in defence of your asinine assertion that lockdowns are not helpful. I’m more concerned about the people close to you if they dare question your logic. Hopefully their okay?


Well-Known Member
Leader of North Carolina Protests Against Stay-at-Home Has Coronavirus
Audrey Whitlock is one of the leaders of the ReOpen NC Facebook group, which has close to 70,000 online members and has organized weekly in-person rallies demanding that the state reopen. Whitlock described herself as an "asymptomatic Covid-19 patient" in a since-deleted post to the group on Sunday morning. Regardless of her potential to infect others, she said that abiding by the governor's orders meant her rights were being violated.

Although she appears to have deleted the post, Whitlock confirmed to local news outlet WTVD that she had tested positive for virus. She refused to indicate whether she tested negative before releasing herself from quarantine and answered "no comment" when asked if she had attended a protest the group held last week.


Well-Known Member
Leader of North Carolina Protests Against Stay-at-Home Has Coronavirus
Audrey Whitlock is one of the leaders of the ReOpen NC Facebook group, which has close to 70,000 online members and has organized weekly in-person rallies demanding that the state reopen. Whitlock described herself as an "asymptomatic Covid-19 patient" in a since-deleted post to the group on Sunday morning. Regardless of her potential to infect others, she said that abiding by the governor's orders meant her rights were being violated.

Although she appears to have deleted the post, Whitlock confirmed to local news outlet WTVD that she had tested positive for virus. She refused to indicate whether she tested negative before releasing herself from quarantine and answered "no comment" when asked if she had attended a protest the group held last week.
It's sad, funny for a second, but truly sad.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to make sure this doozy stays up. Try not to go on a white-guy gun rampage, boomer!
Quoted 4-5 times but never answered the question.....interesting. I’ll ask again in case you missed it in your attempt to deflect. What is a lockdown? And yes could I shoot someone who was endangering me and my family using biological warfare by roaming around infected? And yes I ask because I’m curious. Thank you for your interest.


Well-Known Member
Quoted 4-5 times but never answered the question.....interesting. I’ll ask again in case you missed it in your attempt to deflect. What is a lockdown? And yes could I shoot someone who was endangering me and my family using biological warfare by roaming around infected? And yes I ask because I’m curious. Thank you for your interest.
I get how people in the Philippines vs. mainland USA will have vastly different viewpoints on this.

I love this guys videos, and wish him, Abandon, and everyone else there and everywhere else well during this and every other crisis. We are all in this together.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I get how people in the Philippines vs. mainland USA will have vastly different viewpoints on this.

I love this guys videos, and wish him, Abandon, and everyone else there and everywhere else well during this and every other crisis. We are all in this together.
Yes I’m sure different locals are experiencing vastly different circumstances. My daughter is in full lockdown with trips to grocery store based on last name. Without these measures I’m sure the Island would be quickly overwhelmed. She and her fiancé are blessed to be able to work from home (she always has). That is why I asked for clarification as what is the definition. I would not classify being able to use subways/mass transit, and flying around the country as a “lockdown” but that’s my take.


Well-Known Member
assertion that lockdowns are not helpful
I actually argued very effectively that lockdowns have not sufficiently reduced the growth of new cases to keep healthcare systems from being overloaded which was exactly why they were put into place. That's a distinction that the house-arrest crowd has repeatedly avoided because of the utter lack of direct evidence that they have done so.

In fact, everyone who has even tried to defend the stripping of our liberties and livelihoods has gone from "they worked" to "they helped" while avoiding talking about the looming famine. Not one effective argument has been made, except by that british chap, ginjawarrior. He gave a challenging debate, even though he was projecting dishonestly.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
My daughter is in full lockdown
Which crime did she commit to be ordered to be "locked down" ?

Do you plan to break her out or will you do nothing and stand by while your child is convicted and sentenced without any semblance of committing a crime ?


Well-Known Member
Which crime did she commit to be ordered to be "locked down" ?

Do you plan to break her out or will you do nothing and stand by while your child is convicted and sentenced without any semblance of committing a crime ?
i think he means she’s being responsible and not being a whiny bitch, like some people


Well-Known Member
I actually argued very effectively that lockdowns have not sufficiently reduced the growth of new cases to keep healthcare systems from being overloaded which was exactly why they were put into place. That's a distinction that the house-arrest crowd has repeatedly avoided because of the utter lack of direct evidence that they have done so.

In fact, everyone who has even tried to defend the stripping of our liberties and livelihoods has gone from "they worked" to "they helped" while avoiding talking about the looming famine. Not one effective argument has been made, except by that british chap, ginjawarrior. He gave a challenging debate, even though he was projecting dishonestly.
you get a chance to post your CV yet? it shouldn't take very long considering your "extensive" medical background. lol