Lockdowns work.


Well-Known Member
but to be fair to Cuomo, trying to lockdown a city like NYC is almost impossible. too many Abandons in the crowd. no testing. no isolation and contact protocol. no POTUS saying this is the most contagious thing you'll probaly ever see in your lifetime.

when you are given a pile of shit from the federal gov't, you've got to try to make something of it.
It's not a matter of being fair, Cuomo was saying exactly the wrong things in early March and his health department were telling him so. Seattle and Washington's political leaders had the humility to step back and let the scientists lead. Cuomo and DeBlasio did the opposite and so were the results.

Unlike Trump, Cuomo's actions are forgivable, he didn't KNOW he was doing wrong, but he didn't display much wisdom in what he did. The feds didn't hand Cuomo coronavirus, that came from China. The feds have their own actions to answer for. Still, though, Cuomo's actions led to tens of thousands of deaths and we should at least hold him responsible, if not accountable for them. Things only got better when Cuomo changed his act. We are only talking about a week where he botched it. Not long but long enough. Inslee, on the other hand, did the right things when the time demanded.

Washington and Seattle didn't make the news like NY did. They were handed the same shit sandwich and the differences in outcomes are entirely due to what the leaders in those states and cities did. For the sake of history and future lives, we should collect and identify what went wrong as well as what went right.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
i think he means she’s being responsible and not being a whiny bitch, like some people
In 1973 car accident deaths were over 50,000 in the USA. Population was lots lower too, around 212 million.

Quick get a time machine and smash all the cars !

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
In 1973 car accident deaths were over 50,000 in the USA. Population was lots lower too, around 212 million.

Quick get a time machine and smash all the cars !
This is what's fucked.

600K die every year from heart disease. We never used draconian measures to shut down soda companies, fast food companies, regulation of sugar, salt, fat, meat, etc. Why not? I mean, 600,000 people a year? Shouldn't we freak out and literally change our way of life over these numbers? Most of those are older people. If we don't shut down all of the fast food and soda companies, aren't we responsible for all of those deaths?

30,000 people died in car accidents in 2018. Another 3 million were hospitalized or disabled. I've thought about those numbers, and I've decided that I would rather drive and risk the potential death/injury. I'm sure you have too.

We have literally shut down the economy over something as deadly as the flu. Think about that for a sec. I've read more than one post one here from people stating that if you are against lockdown, then you are responsible for the deaths incurred. Well, if that's the case, are all of those in support of the lockdown responsible for all of the deaths from an increase in suicide, drug overdose, famine, etc.? This is a 2 way street. If that's actually you're argument, you might want to rethink it.

The recent antibody tests and their results change the mortality rate in a big way. It's basically on par with the flu. But I've never been forced to wear a face mask into my local market, isolate myself in my house, and shut down my whole entire industry over the flu. History is going to look back on the measures we took and laugh at us. We just fucked the whole global economy over a virus that has the same mortality rate as the flu. Brilliant. Congratulations everybody.


Well-Known Member
yeah like a lawyer or prosecutor of some kind... I'm afraid the jury is not in his favour XD

I mean at some point its common sense - the more you keep away from each other... Sweden can afford their numbers going slightly up as they dont have that many cases in general. They will be some sort of a rolemodel for the releasing of measures here in Europe in the next months - and so will be our statistics - except that the population density is going to determine how steep (fast in time) the increase is going to be.

And from there on each country is going to regulate up and down, cash for lives, like they seem fit. And ofc the politicians will tell you all that crap in order to justify what they're doing - they know full well of the consequences at hand.

Numbers in the US don't look good - there's too many dead, not many recovered and just too many overall cases.

Here in Germany, we test even more but it looks really good overall.
Common sense yes. Demonstrable and evident, no. Unfortunately the numbers do not support the common sense. Clearly it is spreading out of control and what little we can slow the spread isn't sufficient to keep health care systems from being over loaded. That was the point and they failed at it. Furthermore, there is a famine coming, directly attributable to those measures.

Everyone here just keeps repeating that it helps, well that's an opinion. I agree that it slows the spread a little. I got trolled and insulted for it.


Well-Known Member
Common sense yes. Demonstrable and evident, no. Unfortunately the numbers do not support the common sense. Clearly it is spreading out of control and what little we can slow the spread isn't sufficient to keep health care systems from being over loaded. That was the point and they failed at it. Furthermore, there is a famine coming, directly attributable to those measures.

Everyone here just keeps repeating that it helps, well that's an opinion. I agree that it slows the spread a little. I got trolled and insulted for it.
I just checked and lockdowns are still working.


Our resident Buckaroo Banzai disagrees. It was a fictional character but some narcissists think they are him. Trump, for instance said he's a natural at doctoring and other sciency stuff. He said the doctors he was talking to were amazed at how much of a natural he was.


Well-Known Member
I just checked and lockdowns are still working.

View attachment 4549072

Our resident Buckaroo Banzai disagrees. It was a fictional character but some narcissists think they are him. Trump, for instance said he's a natural at doctoring and other sciency stuff. He said the doctors he was talking to were amazed at how much of a natural he was.
Death rates naturally tend to fall when the most vulnerable have been infected and begin to die off. Lockdowns have little demonstrable effect on it. That's why counting daily deaths is not the primary metric for gauging the spread of a pandemic. You're looking at the wrong curve.

The curve that the lockdowns were meant to flatten was always cases per day. I proved this, pages back, but you have continued spamming the wrong stats, like a typical science denier, akin to someone arguing against manmade climate change.


Well-Known Member
Death rates naturally tend to fall when the most vulnerable have been infected and begin to die off. Lockdowns have little demonstrable effect on it. That's why counting daily deaths is not the primary metric for gauging the spread of a pandemic. You're looking at the wrong curve.

The curve that the lockdowns were meant to flatten was always cases per day. I proved this, pages back, but you have continued spamming the wrong stats, like a typical science denier, akin to someone arguing against manmade climate change.
This would be notable if it came from somebody who actually did epidemiology for a living.


Well-Known Member
This is what's fucked.

600K die every year from heart disease. We never used draconian measures to shut down soda companies, fast food companies, regulation of sugar, salt, fat, meat, etc. Why not? I mean, 600,000 people a year? Shouldn't we freak out and literally change our way of life over these numbers? Most of those are older people. If we don't shut down all of the fast food and soda companies, aren't we responsible for all of those deaths?

30,000 people died in car accidents in 2018. Another 3 million were hospitalized or disabled. I've thought about those numbers, and I've decided that I would rather drive and risk the potential death/injury. I'm sure you have too.

We have literally shut down the economy over something as deadly as the flu. Think about that for a sec. I've read more than one post one here from people stating that if you are against lockdown, then you are responsible for the deaths incurred. Well, if that's the case, are all of those in support of the lockdown responsible for all of the deaths from an increase in suicide, drug overdose, famine, etc.? This is a 2 way street. If that's actually you're argument, you might want to rethink it.

The recent antibody tests and their results change the mortality rate in a big way. It's basically on par with the flu. But I've never been forced to wear a face mask into my local market, isolate myself in my house, and shut down my whole entire industry over the flu. History is going to look back on the measures we took and laugh at us. We just fucked the whole global economy over a virus that has the same mortality rate as the flu. Brilliant. Congratulations everybody.
Did 5000 people per day ever die from the flu or car accidents?

thanks, trumptard


Well-Known Member
Common sense yes. Demonstrable and evident, no. Unfortunately the numbers do not support the common sense. Clearly it is spreading out of control and what little we can slow the spread isn't sufficient to keep health care systems from being over loaded. That was the point and they failed at it. Furthermore, there is a famine coming, directly attributable to those measures.

Everyone here just keeps repeating that it helps, well that's an opinion. I agree that it slows the spread a little. I got trolled and insulted for it.
Sorry you got trolled and insulted for mocking my grandmothers death

you are the victim here. Not her


Well-Known Member
Death rates naturally tend to fall when the most vulnerable have been infected and begin to die off. Lockdowns have little demonstrable effect on it. That's why counting daily deaths is not the primary metric for gauging the spread of a pandemic. You're looking at the wrong curve.

The curve that the lockdowns were meant to flatten was always cases per day. I proved this, pages back, but you have continued spamming the wrong stats, like a typical science denier, akin to someone arguing against manmade climate change.
Since you have proved this, why not notify the cdc?


Well-Known Member
Since you have proved this, why not notify the cdc?
Actually, I linked CDC reports clearly stating how they were tracking the spread of the virus.

I was shocked to find that they were indeed tracking the spread of the virus. It's really remarkable how the best way to track something is to track it.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I linked CDC reports clearly stating how they were tracking the spread of the virus.

I was shocked to find that they were indeed tracking the spread of the virus. It's really remarkable how the best way to track something is to track it.
So, the Philippines has a low (reported) rate of deaths due to this disease. Do you think the numbers coming from the Phillippine government reflect what's actually happening?

I'm not being sarcastic or facetious in asking this. I'm curious what your take is.


Well-Known Member
oh, look

an expert in viral infections and how to manage them says lockdowns work:

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a key member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, has warned that reopening the economy too quickly by easing lockdown restrictions could lead to a "big spike" in new coronavirus cases.

@abandonconflict , RIU's pet nascent epidemiologist should give him a call and let him know he's wrong.


Well-Known Member
oh, look

an expert in viral infections and how to manage them says lockdowns work:

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a key member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, has warned that reopening the economy too quickly by easing lockdown restrictions could lead to a "big spike" in new coronavirus cases.

@abandonconflict , RIU's pet nascent epidemiologist should give him a call and let him know he's wrong.
Except he's heading the team to reopen the economy and has even supported the idea of "immunity passports".


Well-Known Member
Here is the CDC position statement.

Nowhere does it state that the number of deaths due to coronavirus is the primary method for tracking the development of the pandemic.

From that CDC position statement:
Introduction of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), into the United States has resulted in the need for standardized surveillance to assist in understanding the transmission and epidemiology of the disease in U.S. jurisdictions. Public health agencies are investigating reported respiratory illnesses and identifying infected people (cases) through laboratory testing. Nationwide standardized surveillance is necessary to provide consistent case identification and classification, measure the potential burden of illness, characterize the epidemiology of medically attended and moderate to severe COVID-19 in the United States, detect community transmission, and inform public health response to clusters of illness and efficacy of populationbased non-pharmaceutical interventions on the epidemic.
That's from the section titled "I", the Roman numeral 1, indicating that it is the first statement of the synopsis.

And here's what is on their website in the section called "surveillance report":

therefore, the percentage of specimens testing positive across laboratory types can be used to monitor trends in COVID-19 activity