Curling downwards, rust spots, early hair darkening

Pie Eye

Active Member
Hello Im 24 days into flowering my Death Star plants and yesterday I woke up to drooping leaves with red spots on them, lots of the buds are prematurely turning red.

I figured I had overfed so I flushed with 3 gallons of distilled water in the afternoon and turned off my red led bulbs and left on the blue and white fluorescents.

I picked one top off and looked inside the stem and on the leaves to check for parasites before the flush but all I saw was a ton of excess water in the stem.

Any Ideas what this could be or what I could do to fix it?


Pie Eye

Active Member
How are temps, airflow what are these kind of lamps?
I have 3 t5s blue white way up and 3 1600 lumen red spectrum, temps stay between 69-76 good air circulation. I feed Fox Farm Tiger Bloom but haven't fed anything since I flushed Monday.

Pie Eye

Active Member
I've been reading into people using the same FF nutes as me having the same problems, i think the issue was overfeeding because the Tiger Bloom is apparently way stronger than the Big Bloom and I was feeding the same.

Drainage has been... Less than usual?

I tilted the pot back today and haven't watered since monday, a fuck ton of water ran out of it leading me to believe my babies were stewing in overnuted stagnant water in low temps over night with no evaporation.

Nonetheless the plants that survived are doing great at day 27, did some trimming to remove any affected areas and removed the center plant which was mostly destroyed, one other one might have to go if it doesn't recover within the week.


Doing my best to get things dry again and next run im putting about 400 1/8th inch holes in the bottom to let the center drain out and let air up and through.

Not a total loss, I know which pheno is more resilient now
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I tried that.. I figured infection so i removed the affected plant some on the other ones today.. Purpleish red splotches, leaf droop buds turning redView attachment 4549235View attachment 4549236View attachment 4549237View attachment 4549239..
Yikes man! lol.. ok, what medium and nutes (I got that you use FF tiger, but anything else?), are you brewing teas? Whats the PH of your medium? When I need to do an emergency flush I use regular water bubbled for 24 hrs then Ph'd to low 6's as I use soil (soil and soil hybrids like to sit naturally around 7ph). I set my (5gal fabric) pot up on a little stand in its tray and SLOWLY (allowing time for full saturation) water until runoff is visable. Let that sit for 10-20 min then come back with another can or two. Within the same day (after runoff is over) I will come behind my flush with a good compost tea to replenish the microbial life i just washed out the bottom in all my runoff (I collect about a gallon of runoff in my flush). Flush is rough on the plants, if done right you can expect to see some form of shock or reaction to your emergency flush. Usually if I do it right my girls will bounce back in about a week sometimes af fast as 3 days depending on what issues were prior to my emergency flush.
So if you need to flush, quickly mobilize and tactfully prepare your ph'd water and compost tea 24 hrs ahead of time.
With all that said, I would only need to flush if im:
A) nute toxicity
B) PH lockout
The last time I had a toxicity I switched my entire schedule to ROOTS ORGANICS lineup... NEVER saw toxicity EVER again, or PH lockout issues!! Just sayin... The 5ml Master feeding schedule is the way to go, sooooo easy, clean, organic and effective. Fits my style of growing perfectly.

In your pics it does seem you may be experiencing over watering brought on by possible PH lockout.... but a lockout in FLWR would certainly in most cases so CAL/MAG diff... That I dont see evidence of honestly leaving me to suspect some PH issue in medium possibly? What do you think here?

Pie Eye

Active Member
Yikes man! lol.. ok, what medium and nutes (I got that you use FF tiger, but anything else?), are you brewing teas? Whats the PH of your medium? When I need to do an emergency flush I use regular water bubbled for 24 hrs then Ph'd to low 6's as I use soil (soil and soil hybrids like to sit naturally around 7ph). I set my (5gal fabric) pot up on a little stand in its tray and SLOWLY (allowing time for full saturation) water until runoff is visable. Let that sit for 10-20 min then come back with another can or two. Within the same day (after runoff is over) I will come behind my flush with a good compost tea to replenish the microbial life i just washed out the bottom in all my runoff (I collect about a gallon of runoff in my flush). Flush is rough on the plants, if done right you can expect to see some form of shock or reaction to your emergency flush. Usually if I do it right my girls will bounce back in about a week sometimes af fast as 3 days depending on what issues were prior to my emergency flush.
So if you need to flush, quickly mobilize and tactfully prepare your ph'd water and compost tea 24 hrs ahead of time.
With all that said, I would only need to flush if im:
A) nute toxicity
B) PH lockout
The last time I had a toxicity I switched my entire schedule to ROOTS ORGANICS lineup... NEVER saw toxicity EVER again, or PH lockout issues!! Just sayin... The 5ml Master feeding schedule is the way to go, sooooo easy, clean, organic and effective. Fits my style of growing perfectly.

In your pics it does seem you may be experiencing over watering brought on by possible PH lockout.... but a lockout in FLWR would certainly in most cases so CAL/MAG diff... That I dont see evidence of honestly leaving me to suspect some PH issue in medium possibly? What do you think here?
I have my heater set at 70 directed towards the grow room, i left the pot tilted overnight with my fan blowing up into the drainage holes, water is still sitting like a mother****** which was never an issue until now so they're definitely locked up not taking anything in.


Well-Known Member
I see little white dots on the fan leaves in the last photo in post #3. Have you checked for insects with a loupe?


I see little white dots on the fan leaves in the last photo in post #3. Have you checked for insects with a loupe?
Yes, now I see some speckles.. looks a bit similar to spider mite bites. Could be dust, but check the underside of the leaves with a loupe as rightfully (good eye SheeshM!) suggested by SheeshM, good idea.
Have you experienced pests in your environment ever before?


Well-Known Member
Tiger Bloom is some hot shit. I only mix 1/4tsp per gallon of water.

It will do all kinds of stuff to a healthy plant, trust me i know from experience.


I've been reading into people using the same FF nutes as me having the same problems, i think the issue was overfeeding because the Tiger Bloom is apparently way stronger than the Big Bloom and I was feeding the same.

Drainage has been... Less than usual?

I tilted the pot back today and haven't watered since monday, a fuck ton of water ran out of it leading me to believe my babies were stewing in overnuted stagnant water in low temps over night with no evaporation.

Nonetheless the plants that survived are doing great at day 27, did some trimming to remove any affected areas and removed the center plant which was mostly destroyed, one other one might have to go if it doesn't recover within the week.

View attachment 4549925

Doing my best to get things dry again and next run im putting about 400 1/8th inch holes in the bottom to let the center drain out and let air up and through.

Not a total loss, I know which pheno is more resilient now
Yessir... stuff has to drain for sure! I had an experience with this once and come to think of it looked sorta similar. I bet your on to it with that notion. Water/nutes stand to long it will stagnate and begin to go rancid (Acidic).... Plant will lock up for sure! Drill some (lots) dime size holes and give her a flush of low PH'd (I would check soil PH to confirm we think its high first) water. I would dump some 5.7 or 6.0 water on her. You should be able to rebound from this fine. I hope this is your issue.