Toss It..
There are a few reasons why smoking moldy weed can cause negative health effects for just about anyone. Mold spores can survive in surprisingly harsh environmental conditions, including being burned, only to take up residence inside the warm and damp environment inside the human body.
If your immune system isn’t up for the match, this can cause lung infection.
weed can also make you sick thanks to compounds called mycotoxins and endotoxins. Mycotoxins are compounds that sit on the outside of mold spores and in small fragments of mold.
They’re referred to as toxins because they are harmful to the human body, and can trigger irritation and illness. This is especially true if you’re exposed to them consistently and in large amounts.
Coupled with these mycotoxins are compounds known as endotoxins. Endotoxins are molecules released by bacteria as they die. Typically, molds and endotoxins go hand-in-hand, making exposure especially agitating.
Endotoxins by themselves are known to worsen symptoms of
asthma and contribute to lung irritation.
Inhaling a batch of mycotoxins and endotoxins together can cause inflammation. Chronic exposure to pro-inflammatory molds and mildews can aggravate
autoimmune conditions and increase your chances of developing an infection.
In the worst case scenario, this infection can contribute to pneumonia and possibly spread to other parts of the body.