Fungus gnants! Help


Active Member
I have the little bastards . Put two sticky fly traps in there and the infestation is bad but not devastating . Under the soil thought is a different story . What's the best way to get rid of the fuckers that are in the soil . Eggs ect coz I think my leafs are getting affected by them if not its another problem but I can think of only 2 other problems and it shouldn't be them. Hydrogen peroxide?? 15884602162544788036431399083363.jpg1588460234947533511231911564745.jpg
Get some predator bugs like nematodes or hypoaspis miles
Been told loads on a different thread I did . I thinks Im just gonna keep my fan on more. Maybe get some neem oil to put in the soil with a water . Then hope for the best. Defo got the little fuckers tho lol . I'm sure it's that causing my plant problems too.
Gnatrol for nats
Looking at my leaf does it look like a problem that could be caused by a major gnants infestation? I have seen pictures that are similar . Coz I have loads in my fly trap and I see them on the soil I know they are there and I just got that feeling they are becoming a problem for my plant coz my plants not acting how it should and some leafs don't seem happy . about 6 normal healthy lower ones fell off the other day too . . I heard gnants can do that too by eating the little fibers on the roots cheers
Hydrogen peroxide ( soil drench )
Nema globes ( nematodes release for a week. )

But , still maintain or begin using sticky traps for adults ( because they lay the fucking eggs and those become larvae). It’s the larvae that does the damage. Control excessive watering , oscillating fan thru plants disrupts adults . Sticky will collect and hold adults as coloring is an attractant.

You can also source ” horticulture sand “ ( not playground ) and cover pot surfaces to bar egg laying , some growers use perlite to compleatly cover Top soil ( moving away a section to water ) then cover up after. Or worst case , look into “ bottom watering “ methods to cock block the adults ( they want wet soil on top ) , either by a wick feeding up thru drainage or other methods . Water globes can be used too.

GL .... “ Death to gnats ! “ :fire:
I just caught a couple fungus gnats on my soil surface after my last watering

Immediately went out and bought a course sand. Lowes/home depot sells it (quickcrete brand iirc).. it's used as an additive in concrete mix. Dont get playground sand, as it's too fine and will clog your pots drainage, compounding your issue.

Added about 1/2 an inch to the top of your soil, and make sure it's got even coverage. Beyond that, I water from the bottom instead of the top, and I haven't seen any more since.