Found an investor and want to hear your thoughts on my setup.


Active Member
Firstly thanks to everyone for the comments. I'm not expecting to be churning out huge yields of the best bud right away... But I'm gonna try. The guy I'm dealing with makes 15K look like change, and he's a friend so if the first crop or two fails miserably so I don't have much to worry about with him. Also, I have about 5K of my own that can be used for power bills, broken equipment, unexpected expenses, etc. However the impression I have been getting is to start smaller. But since I already have the funds, and will be running a larger setup eventually, why not start it up large now? Maybe the crop will fail... maybe i'll get root rot or the bud will be terrible... But i'd still rather have 10 pounds of weak pot than 3. Obviously some of you have more experience than me but it seems like something I can handle.
So all buzz-killing aside, (and yes I fully understand the complications that can come along with a grow op of this size) what other reccomendations can you give me? Should I stick with soil for the first time? What kind of other equipment should I have? Like I said previously I grew a few plants in my closet, but wasn't worried about C02 generators, humidifiers, charcoal filters and so on. What am I going to need for this one?
And I'm sure I'll get lots of flak for this one but... A friend of mine pointed me towards a site that sells LED grow lights. Yes, they're hella expensive (between 1000-1500 for the equivilent of a 1000watt) but run on 90% less power. Has anyone heard of people growing dope with these? What would you think about running 4 of these lights but plant in soil, for a harvest or two and I turn a profit, then invest into hydroponics?


Well-Known Member
Losers never try. Make sure you have all stealth measures in place and TELL NO ONE! NO ONE! NO ONE! By the way 4000watts is considerable, and could draw attention you may want to have your investor buy you a wind turbin to supplement electrical cost. They sell compact ones for home use around $2500 bucks would drive 2000 watts.

No one's going to suggest you drop into LEDs as for this:
1) you confessed you are new to growing, don't cut your own dick off stick with what works if you want to succeed right out of the box.
2) you told someone, and this can cause you problems. Be sure not to add to the list of people that know you want to grow 10 pounds of pot!

Firstly thanks to everyone for the comments. I'm not expecting to be churning out huge yields of the best bud right away... But I'm gonna try. The guy I'm dealing with makes 15K look like change, and he's a friend so if the first crop or two fails miserably so I don't have much to worry about with him. Also, I have about 5K of my own that can be used for power bills, broken equipment, unexpected expenses, etc. However the impression I have been getting is to start smaller. But since I already have the funds, and will be running a larger setup eventually, why not start it up large now? Maybe the crop will fail... maybe i'll get root rot or the bud will be terrible... But i'd still rather have 10 pounds of weak pot than 3. Obviously some of you have more experience than me but it seems like something I can handle.
So all buzz-killing aside, (and yes I fully understand the complications that can come along with a grow op of this size) what other reccomendations can you give me? Should I stick with soil for the first time? What kind of other equipment should I have? Like I said previously I grew a few plants in my closet, but wasn't worried about C02 generators, humidifiers, charcoal filters and so on. What am I going to need for this one?
And I'm sure I'll get lots of flak for this one but... A friend of mine pointed me towards a site that sells LED grow lights. Yes, they're hella expensive (between 1000-1500 for the equivilent of a 1000watt) but run on 90% less power. Has anyone heard of people growing dope with these? What would you think about running 4 of these lights but plant in soil, for a harvest or two and I turn a profit, then invest into hydroponics?


Well-Known Member
An "investor" huh?

That's the guy who fronts you a few thou and expects a five time return on investment for none of the risk, right?


Active Member
Losers never try. Make sure you have all stealth measures in place and TELL NO ONE! NO ONE! NO ONE! By the way 4000watts is considerable, and could draw attention you may want to have your investor buy you a wind turbin to supplement electrical cost. They sell compact ones for home use around $2500 bucks would drive 2000 watts.
Sounds like a good thought, i'm gonna look into that, and solar power.
But wouldn't spending 5-6K on LED panels solve the power problem entirely? Instead of just dealing with 2000 watts? Again just thinking out loud.
2) you told someone, and this can cause you problems. Be sure not to add to the list of people that know you want to grow 10 pounds of pot!
very true. he is a good friend and long time roomate but I guess sealing the lips should be #1.


Well-Known Member
yeah, with that much power running, the major investment in going to be electricity and setting up your pannels to handle that much power safely.

Like everyone is saying, I would start small. One light would be good, 2 would be ok, but that is all I would do. There is a lot to learn that you will just figure out by doing it. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. If you invested 5k then you could run those 2 lights and easy make your money back and then some. But the best part is that you have the experience. Take it from me, it is shitty to be relying on a crop then it goes to shit for one reason or another. Keep it simple and small at the start, then if that works you can go apeshit. It will also let you feel out the spot and make sure it is secure. Nothing worse then having your manager,lanlord or a LEO roll in 2 weeks into flower.


Active Member
Seatosky - See if you can change it to a 12 ROI instead of 6. Just trying to help reduce the stress that could come if you're under a 6 month cycle. Remember that 6 months is gonna fly by. You can possibly get 2 good harvests in that much time. But if you have 12 months, you can at least get in 5-6 harvests, then you shouldn't have any issues with the ROI. Just trying to help buddy, not control the situation. Hope I'm not coming off like that. Just wish I would've consulted with someone before I started.


Active Member
Seatosky - See if you can change it to a 12 ROI instead of 6. Just trying to help reduce the stress that could come if you're under a 6 month cycle. Remember that 6 months is gonna fly by. You can possibly get 2 good harvests in that much time. But if you have 12 months, you can at least get in 5-6 harvests, then you shouldn't have any issues with the ROI. Just trying to help buddy, not control the situation. Hope I'm not coming off like that. Just wish I would've consulted with someone before I started.
Here's where i get to sound completely ignorant... What's ROI?
Also I will be running this setup x 2... one for veg one for flower and i'll use a closet or something for clones.


Well-Known Member
don't try to re-invent the wheel. do what others are already doing successfully, ie; use MH and HPS for vedge and flower and flourescents for clones, don't piss with LED's.

If ur concerned with power consumption then start with (4) 1000w HPS lights or less. You shouldn't draw crazy attention if you stick to these and some flourescents power-wise. you can clone/vedge under the flourescents and vedge/flower under the HPS. If ur determined to have a '3 room/stage' set-up using MH, then go like (3) 1000w HPS for flower chamber, (2) 1000w MH for vedge chamber / mothers, and about (9) 4 ft 2 bulb flourescent fixtures for clones/seedlings.

If money is no object (start-up cost wise) and you want to go further off the grid electricity wise then consider a gas powered generator for the HPS lighting which only runs 12 ON.

It sounds like ur open to suggestion... and need some more experience, so consider running half ur crop in soil and the other half on a hydro setup. Hopefully one or the other catches nicely and the second crop can be pure soil or pure hydro. they say soil tastes and smokes better as long as it isn't full of chemical fertilizers... but you gotta love not hauling shite-loads of soil in and out of the grow area. ur call. personally, i like being able to move individual pots around to even things out under the light canopy. I also like being able to 'try things out' like using one strength fertiler on half my plants to see if they react better or worse than the 'control group'. Not possible when everything is running on a single large reservoir.

also, unless ur starting out by buying an already sexed clone, you can expect that the first harvest may easily take from 6-8 months. up come the seeds... then sexing... then cloning/topping... vedging... more cloning/topping... etc. to get ur plant numbers up.

wish i was in ur shoes :D i'm just skimping and saving to get my lil 2k to 2.5k setup going.

last but not least. make sure some of this 'free money' is spent on Security. Fences, gates, locks, camera, motion sensor, phone tap detector, pocket bug detector,
charcoal filters, ozone generators, etc... a motion sensor hooked up to your computer that pages you whenever someone other than you steps into your grow room :D

and a fairly recent book called, "Marijuana the Law and You"


Active Member
DeGambler -- Can't believe I even forgot to mention those. I've Jehovah's witnesses come to the door and nearly made my heart drop. Heard the dogs going crazy and thought something was going on. Can't tell you how a camera in that situation would've relaxed the whole situation. Plus I have one set up outside disguised as a tree that monitors the whole neighborhood. Then one viewing one angle of the driveway one viewing the other and a peephole camera. All this shit is cheap if you look in the right places. Just make sure you can hook it up to your computer and access it with your mobile. Once you get enough $ put a few in your room and when you're out to dinner with mom's, close friends, or partner pull up the screen and watch everything grow while chilling at the pub. That's fun. Am I a geek for that? Sometimes I wonder.


Where would one acquire a pen sized security camera that can link to your computer and cell phone? Is there a more specific name/brand I should be searching for to find this product?


Well-Known Member
yeah, with that much power running, the major investment in going to be electricity and setting up your pannels to handle that much power safely.

Like everyone is saying, I would start small. One light would be good, 2 would be ok, but that is all I would do. There is a lot to learn that you will just figure out by doing it. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. If you invested 5k then you could run those 2 lights and easy make your money back and then some. But the best part is that you have the experience. Take it from me, it is shitty to be relying on a crop then it goes to shit for one reason or another. Keep it simple and small at the start, then if that works you can go apeshit. It will also let you feel out the spot and make sure it is secure. Nothing worse then having your manager,lanlord or a LEO roll in 2 weeks into flower.
I had to kill a plant recently because of my new environment being a lot different than the previous one I grew in (I have a new location)... so take it from me too, before you get used to the environment and the whole huge growing thing, don't start that way. Start with maybe 10 plants and you will have a decent yield if you do a good job. If you want to challenge yourself more maybe 20 at most for the first setup "small" setup. Thats just my opinion though. Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
how will you hide the smell from those surprise visits?

what type of ventilation will you be using?

r u able to do all the work that is involved with setting it up? like electricity?

r u going to get locked up for ever if you were to get caught?

do you smoke weed on a regular biases?

can you hide all the heat that the grow will create?

sorry, don't mean to make this sound like an interview, but I wanted to ask some different detailed questions?



Well-Known Member
how will you hide the smell from those surprise visits?

what type of ventilation will you be using?

r u able to do all the work that is involved with setting it up? like electricity?

r u going to get locked up for ever if you were to get caught?

do you smoke weed on a regular biases?

can you hide all the heat that the grow will create?

sorry, don't mean to make this sound like an interview, but I wanted to ask some different detailed questions?

forgot one..

- are u willing to have sex with another male officer to get out of getting in trouble if u get caught?


Well-Known Member
So here's my story.
I found an investor out east (i'll be growing some BC bud haha..) and I'm gonna be lighting up my basement and den. He is open to my suggestions for growing and wants to see a sketch before he send me the money. This is what I've come up with, just consider two of these setups, one in the basement for veg and the den for flowering.

The 50 gallon tanks are full of pre-mix. This should save me from refilling ressys often. Large resevoirs will be pumped to the smaller ones, these will gravity-feed 12 plants via irrigation hose. After set time the water will be pumped back into the larger resevoirs (hopefully using suction to pull water from each plant).

I thought up this method because it seems crazy to build all these 3-foot tall stations to put the plants on with your standard e&f. But i'm a rookie greenthumb- if i'm the crazy one, give me your suggestions.

How well do you know this person? Could it be a cop?