AK Bean Brains

The haziest is Consumption by a mile... If you want the most potent face fucking, head twisting tknl5haze version go with Consumption. I am sure that between tknl5haze (tk dom) and tknl5haze (NL dom) that the TK dom would most certainly lean harder towards the haze. TK does not come out in most crosses as strongly as compared to the NL#1... and the NL is more indica dominant anyway when compared to the TK.

But if you want that hard haze face ripping shit that people will accuse you of being laced, go with Consumption. Or better yet in my opinion, I'd go with the CG/PR x tknl5haze... AKBB told me himself that the CG/PR x tknl5haze was extremely potent and not for the faint of heart.. He said it was very paranoia inducing, hardcore head raping high that would cause some to panic and rush to the nearest ER...

When we talked about the tknl5haze in his potcast, he refers me to the f2s, not the latest offerings that have a tk or NL dominance. Obviously because the haze pheno is more prevalent. The ticket is in the haze... for sure!

Tknl5haze f2s or consumption for the win... :cool: that is, if you're searching for that legendary high.
After a description like that I had to try some for myself.
Not much to see here... yet lol. But all plants are starting to finally show sex, so flip is right around the corner. I'm taking what I cant fit in my room and putting outdoors in big fat guerilla holes...:bigjoint:


This is a very small percentage of my plants. Just showing an example of where I am at right now. Transplanting all girls to 3 gal out of these half gal bags once sex is determined, then flipping to flower. This photo was taken 5 days ago they have almost doubled in size already! First time ever using coco and loving it. Getting some crazy crazy stem rubs on so many of these. Found some nice studs in the mix too...

I'm fixing to start another few nursery trays for the rest of my outdoor this year (72 plants per tray).

I have a feeling out of all these gals and studs I'll most definitely find a couple of keepers to keep around for life....
Everyone’s stuff looking great in here! I’m stoked for my BB x superskunk freebies I’m doing outdoor this year. he said his blueberry is bullet proof, we will see with the weather locally.

His vintage blueberry is a machine! Huge yields and extremely resistant to botrytis, powdery mildew, etc... If your like me, growing guerilla style in a hot and extreme humid environment then you wanna grow the BB for sure!
Anyone running the Hawaiian Catpiss? I have 2 that are just about done.. this one is day 52, still some time left

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this one is one has a strong ammonia smell, she's coming down in a day or so.. day 57
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I guess that will be next on my list! I just ordered 707's Cat Piss. I'll see if I can find some of these to run them together after the Consumption and Darian Gap run.
The first one just has an earthy scent, but the second is pungent ammonia.. I think that is the one I'm looking for.

The best weed I've ever had was a clone from 1980. It had a cat piss/ammonia smell and tasted real earthy and hashy. That clone is still around but it has lost most of its attributes and isn't really worth growing anymore. I've been looking for something similar for a long time now.