What did you accomplish today?


Ursus marijanus
I tried half peanut butter and bananas with raw honey and the other half with just peanut butter and blackberry jam.

The banana and honey side was soooo good. I don't why I never tried this before now. Probably because getting the honey to squeeze out requires a set of flat nose pliers.
If you’re using pliers to squeeze your honey, he doesn’t complain?


Well-Known Member
Anyone remember Sambo's restaurants? They had whipped honey butter they called tiger butter. It was from the story of "Little Black Sambo". The original place is still open in Santa Barbara. Being non PC is what ended the chain's success.
Wow I had forgotten about that place. When my mom met my stepdad he was the manager of one. I remember having a giant stuffed tiger. Probably 4 or 5’ tall.