help is needed! please!!


hi everyone! thank you already in advance

i have these little girls, they are 14 days old. Unfortunately, couple of days ago their leaves started to get twisted and curled down. I did try to find the reason, but it can be overwatering, ph problem, nitrogen toxicity. IF you guys, could help me out with some advices, that would be seriously awesome, so please!! :D

light: 2x55kw flourescent tube (around 8 cm from the plant, hanged above the propagator, very closely.)
soil: Easy Grow cube
place: in a propagator
temperature: now: 23-24.8 (last week when i was calibrating it went up to 26 couple of times)
humidity: 73%-90%



Well-Known Member
First, you need to re-pot those girls. Get you a 3 or 5 gallon grow bag. Fill it with some nice soil, that has perilite in it or you need to add some too it. Soak the soil real good, the entire pot. The next day transplant that small cube into the grow bag, obviously one plant per bag. You won't need to water for about 5-7 days, if not longer.


Well-Known Member
When you transplant (re-pot), bury the entire stem up to the first set of leaves. That will help strengthen the plant and you won't have to worry about it falling over.


thanks for the answer.

i have a couple of thoughts in this case.

i have those slightly bigger cubes, which are triangle shaped, so the ones on the picture can fit in it before the big pot, shall use them when i am transplanting into the big ones, OR just put that little cube, what is on the picture straight into the 4 gallon pot?

are those seedlings ready for a 600w hps lighting from a bit far away or should i keep them under the flourescent?

many thanks


Well-Known Member

You don't want them under an HPS spectrum until flower, it will make them stretchy - wide node spacing.

Do you have any other light for veg?

thanks for the answer.

i have a couple of thoughts in this case.

i have those slightly bigger cubes, which are triangle shaped, so the ones on the picture can fit in it before the big pot, shall use them when i am transplanting into the big ones, OR just put that little cube, what is on the picture straight into the 4 gallon pot?

are those seedlings ready for a 600w hps lighting from a bit far away or should i keep them under the flourescent?

many thanks
thanks for the answer.

i have a couple of thoughts in this case.

i have those slightly bigger cubes, which are triangle shaped, so the ones on the picture can fit in it before the big pot, shall use them when i am transplanting into the big ones, OR just put that little cube, what is on the picture straight into the 4 gallon pot?

are those seedlings ready for a 600w hps lighting from a bit far away or should i keep them under the flourescent?

many thanks
I would suggest potting them in their final pots from now as they are stong enough to survive now and if you follow what thedifferencex said you should be sweet