500 species went extinct in the last decade.


Well-Known Member
250,000 people have dies worldwide from C19 and over %50 percent have been over 75yo. What's more important to you? 500 species or 250,000 people. Plenty of people around to destroy and boost the population but those extinct species are done. How many people are there in the world anyway? Have we reached 10 billion yet? Personally I would rather have those 500 species back than the people as long as they're not MY family or loved ones.
250,000 people have dies worldwide from C19 and over %50 percent have been over 75yo. What's more important to you? 500 species or 250,000 people. Plenty of people around to destroy and boost the population but those extinct species are done. How many people are there in the world anyway? Have we reached 10 billion yet? Personally I would rather have those 500 species back than the people as long as they're not MY family or loved ones.
You suck as a human being...and just so you know, I would personally step right over your dying body to help an old person in distress.
250,000 people have dies worldwide from C19 and over %50 percent have been over 75yo. What's more important to you? 500 species or 250,000 people. Plenty of people around to destroy and boost the population but those extinct species are done. How many people are there in the world anyway? Have we reached 10 billion yet? Personally I would rather have those 500 species back than the people as long as they're not MY family or loved ones.
This amazing pile of bad premises and logical fallacies was designed to involve the susceptible in a pointless yet acrimonious debate.
Troll op’s troll thread belongs in another subforum.
Many people don't realize that 99.99% of species that have ever existed on this planet have gone extinct, this is simply how evolution by means of natural selection works. Save for species that are vital to the ecology (like prominent plant pollinators) I never really understood why some folks dedicate their lives to saving species that are being selected out. Op's roots are rotted, they should have used the pool shock...
What a bunch of Naive children no grasp of reality in the world as a whole. There are 8,000,000,000, and the number of Covid deaths is 0.003125 and your hearts are bleeding. 250,000 dead in Somalia. 100,000 in Yemen dead. 480,000 Iraqis killed directly or from disease or displacement. 5,000,000 die of hunger yearly in Africa. The dead and dying are of the third world but the great concern comes out when 250,000 first world people "passed away" or "went to a better place". Euphemisms really sound much better than "they're dead". Sounds a bit racist to me.
I didn't know this forum was dedicated to singing Kumbaya and having happy thoughts. You should be able to have a conversation without the venom.
60% of the worlds vertebrae species permanently passed away between 1970 and 2014. Dozens of insect species go extinct daily and in a few decades another million will follow as a direct result of human activity.
Many people don't realize that 99.99% of species that have ever existed on this planet have gone extinct, this is simply how evolution by means of natural selection works. Save for species that are vital to the ecology (like prominent plant pollinators) I never really understood why some folks dedicate their lives to saving species that are being selected out. Op's roots are rotted, they should have used the pool shock...
Tyler that's a bunch of horse shit. Your talking about a geologic time frame that goes back millions of years to the primordial soup. I was talking about a decade. Do you really think they're comparable?? Do you actually think Darwins theory of natural selection is evident in 10 years? What species are being "selected out"? Again no relevance. What valuable pollinators should we protect? Carrion flies, moths, and honey bees but beetles are great pollinators accounting for 25% of pollination or at least google and Scientific American magazine have determed. I'm not a bad guy but would you cut down all the red woods to save 50 people? Maybe 100. The biggest threat to the world is overpopulation. The 250,000 dead won't change that. Just because a question or topic is uncomfortable doesn't mean your being trolled. I just thought the topic could be discussed. My 87yo mother thinks my 25yo daughter's life is more valuble than her own and as much as i love mother we've talked about it and we agree.
Feel free to call me names but at least have a real opinion on the question. Hey I enjoyed toking and talking.
What a bunch of Naive children no grasp of reality in the world as a whole. There are 8,000,000,000, and the number of Covid deaths is 0.003125 and your hearts are bleeding. 250,000 dead in Somalia. 100,000 in Yemen dead. 480,000 Iraqis killed directly or from disease or displacement. 5,000,000 die of hunger yearly in Africa. The dead and dying are of the third world but the great concern comes out when 250,000 first world people "passed away" or "went to a better place". Euphemisms really sound much better than "they're dead". Sounds a bit racist to me.
I didn't know this forum was dedicated to singing Kumbaya and having happy thoughts. You should be able to have a conversation without the venom.
60% of the worlds vertebrae species permanently passed away between 1970 and 2014. Dozens of insect species go extinct daily and in a few decades another million will follow as a direct result of human activity.

Tyler that's a bunch of horse shit. Your talking about a geologic time frame that goes back millions of years to the primordial soup. I was talking about a decade. Do you really think they're comparable?? Do you actually think Darwins theory of natural selection is evident in 10 years? What species are being "selected out"? Again no relevance. What valuable pollinators should we protect? Carrion flies, moths, and honey bees but beetles are great pollinators accounting for 25% of pollination or at least google and Scientific American magazine have determed. I'm not a bad guy but would you cut down all the red woods to save 50 people? Maybe 100. The biggest threat to the world is overpopulation. The 250,000 dead won't change that. Just because a question or topic is uncomfortable doesn't mean your being trolled. I just thought the topic could be discussed. My 87yo mother thinks my 25yo daughter's life is more valuble than her own and as much as i love mother we've talked about it and we agree.
Feel free to call me names but at least have a real opinion on the question. Hey I enjoyed toking and talking.

Reported for what? Disagreeing, being a whore, stepping over my dying body or YOU being wrong and unable to converse? The topic doesn't make me an animal. It's a reasonable question with a realistic opinion who considers the idea of the value of the world an important issue. Would you sacrifice the Arctic National Refuge for 250k random souls. Would you put the brakes on global warming if the cost was 250k. How many of our elderly have you seen curled up in the fetal and wasting away for a decade and would any of you chose to die rather than essentially being brain dead. I've seen at least a hundred elderly die and I've cleaned them when they were incontinent, fed them, held their hand while they were dying and washed their bodies b4 the funeral folks came to take the body away. If you envision the elderly as rocking in their chair your not correct. Many of these folks have DNRs which is a right we have and most families support. Personally I support euthanasia if the decision is made while an individual can make their own choices and have a living will and a proxy holder. Do you have any idea how many people die at home with hospice care whose death was a result of increased morphine administration or should they go to Sweden where the same stigmas are accepted.
The average life expectancy of the people of Africa is 60 years. I financially support Heifer group as well as the Smile Train. So far I've donated enough money to buy one African family rabbits and another family a goat to milk. I'm not as generous as i should be though. The premise that pollinators have more value than other species clearly shows a lack of knowledge. Tell me Danny if two people were drowning which one would you try to rescue? The 25yo or the 85yo. You folks seem to be the christian right which surprises me when I would have said most of us/you are left wing but it appears I was wrong.
This amazing pile of bad premises and logical fallacies was designed to involve the susceptible in a pointless yet acrimonious debate.
Troll op’s troll thread belongs in another subforum.

That make zero sense except the part of posting this in the wrong forum. I guess i did.
I wasn't trolling or trying to start an argument. I was just trying to put things in perspective and elicit responses. There are two female Northern White rhinoceros. There goes that species and it's not the result of natural selection. I value all life from Carrion Beatles, Paddle fish, Polar Bear to the Whirled orchid or Lady Slippers and I certainly have no distain for the elderly
I will apologize for posting this in the wrong forum and wish you all the best. I was as high as a rat and did not mean to ruffle any feathers and that's the gospel. Stay safe and I'm not an evil man.
Numerous species around where I live are gone from the area. Quail and grouse to name a couple. Loss of habitat. More soybeans, corn and wheat. Old growth forest cut down for more beans and corn. Pileated woodpeckers are mostly gone. I see a couple a year now. Twenty years ago the bees in my back wildflower plot was so filled with bees you could hear them. Millions of wings. Done with my orchard. I haven't been able to raise peas since the 70's. I rarely see monarchs. I'm 76. Some just aren't in a position to notice things. Things are changing....
250,000 people have dies worldwide from C19 and over %50 percent have been over 75yo. What's more important to you? 500 species or 250,000 people. Plenty of people around to destroy and boost the population but those extinct species are done. How many people are there in the world anyway? Have we reached 10 billion yet? Personally I would rather have those 500 species back than the people as long as they're not MY family or loved ones.

I totally agree! Fucking people killing all these birds and shit. You should probably off yourself for the cause!
Reported for what? Disagreeing, being a whore, stepping over my dying body or YOU being wrong and unable to converse? The topic doesn't make me an animal. It's a reasonable question with a realistic opinion who considers the idea of the value of the world an important issue. Would you sacrifice the Arctic National Refuge for 250k random souls. Would you put the brakes on global warming if the cost was 250k. How many of our elderly have you seen curled up in the fetal and wasting away for a decade and would any of you chose to die rather than essentially being brain dead. I've seen at least a hundred elderly die and I've cleaned them when they were incontinent, fed them, held their hand while they were dying and washed their bodies b4 the funeral folks came to take the body away. If you envision the elderly as rocking in their chair your not correct. Many of these folks have DNRs which is a right we have and most families support. Personally I support euthanasia if the decision is made while an individual can make their own choices and have a living will and a proxy holder. Do you have any idea how many people die at home with hospice care whose death was a result of increased morphine administration or should they go to Sweden where the same stigmas are accepted.
The average life expectancy of the people of Africa is 60 years. I financially support Heifer group as well as the Smile Train. So far I've donated enough money to buy one African family rabbits and another family a goat to milk. I'm not as generous as i should be though. The premise that pollinators have more value than other species clearly shows a lack of knowledge. Tell me Danny if two people were drowning which one would you try to rescue? The 25yo or the 85yo. You folks seem to be the christian right which surprises me when I would have said most of us/you are left wing but it appears I was wrong.
This amazing pile of bad premises and logical fallacies was designed to involve the susceptible in a pointless yet acrimonious debate.
Troll op’s troll thread belongs in another subforum.

That make zero sense except the part of posting this in the wrong forum. I guess i did.
I wasn't trolling or trying to start an argument. I was just trying to put things in perspective and elicit responses. There are two female Northern White rhinoceros. There goes that species and it's not the result of natural selection. I value all life from Carrion Beatles, Paddle fish, Polar Bear to the Whirled orchid or Lady Slippers and I certainly have no distain for the elderly
I will apologize for posting this in the wrong forum and wish you all the best. I was as high as a rat and did not mean to ruffle any feathers and that's the gospel. Stay safe and I'm not an evil man.
I don’t believe you. Asking us to valuate the lives of humans and entire species proves that you’re here to feast on moral discord. This is a shining example of trollery, complete with the “ it’s a reasonable question” dishonesty.
I totally agree! Fucking people killing all these birds and shit. You should probably off yourself for the cause!
Be ready for the terminal quiz. You’ll be asked to construct a quantitative model for the relative value of individual penises vs. species of penis.
Or possibly the phylum Douchebag. My 18-wheeler of knowledge just hit the pier of my apathy at 75mph. Pier made it fine.
I don’t know if I have preticipated in making species go existink but I definitely desacrated some of their graves including some Indians . As a construction worker it’s well known that we might kill some poor ass little animal in the act of building some big ass house or building.

I want op to get the F off his hi horse and think about how many bugs he/she kills with the windshield of their vehicle every day/week/year. Shit happens deal with it!