**how much molasses per gallon??** +rep

just wondering how much molasses to use per gallon of water, used in conjunction with nutes for 1 week then used to flush for 10days??

please help, i need pretty acurate advice, dnt wanna fuck my crop up, i havnt used molasses before so help needed please, thankyou.
i use the syurp style molasses ( like honey )
I mix it up in some hot water (from the tap) - enough to get it dissolved/mixed in thoroughly. For me, that's like 1 cup of molasses in around 2 gallons of hot water. After stirring it up a bunch I pour that molasses water into the rest of my water. I pour it into the rest of my water after I've mixed all other nutrients, right before I actually start to water, so there's no time for it to start settling.
Make sure the label says UNSULPHURED! I think the brand I use is called Grandmas blackstrap molases. It's really thick dark sticky syrup. Thats what you want.

EDIT: nevermind I didn't see you were from UK.
i use the syurp style molasses ( like honey )
I mix it up in some hot water (from the tap) - enough to get it dissolved/mixed in thoroughly. For me, that's like 1 cup of molasses in around 2 gallons of hot water. After stirring it up a bunch I pour that molasses water into the rest of my water. I pour it into the rest of my water after I've mixed all other nutrients, right before I actually start to water, so there's no time for it to start settling.

i understand this post, il get the syryp style molasses then, how much to a gallon? 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon?
Try to go for a fully organic, blackstrap unsulphured molasses from an organic food store. It's usually a dark brown, almost lack, sticky and thick "liquid". Has a similar texture to honey.

I've seen some of the varieties in supermarkets (here in Switzerland) and they're usually no more than 40% molasses; the rest being other artificial sugars.

If you're using it for flowering go for 1tbsp per gallon of water.

But take my advice: unless you're doing an organic or outdoor grow with micro-herd (funghi, bacteria) in the soil, then the roots have no way of breaking down the complex sugars into monosaccharides meaning they can't be absorbed by the plant, meaning no sweeter/larger buds.

However you can still use it s a great source of micronutrients! that's what I did on my first non-organic grow.

Hope this helps.
Try to go for a fully organic, blackstrap unsulphured molasses from an organic food store. It's usually a dark brown, almost lack, sticky and thick "liquid". Has a similar texture to honey.

I've seen some of the varieties in supermarkets (here in Switzerland) and they're usually no more than 40% molasses; the rest being other artificial sugars.

If you're using it for flowering go for 1tbsp per gallon of water.

But take my advice: unless you're doing an organic or outdoor grow with micro-herd (funghi, bacteria) in the soil, then the roots have no way of breaking down the complex sugars into monosaccharides meaning they can't be absorbed by the plant, meaning no sweeter/larger buds.

However you can still use it s a great source of micronutrients! that's what I did on my first non-organic grow.

Hope this helps.

well yes it did help until i read the part that my plant wouldnt absorb or be able to brakedown the sugars, im using chemical ferts at low strenght, so can i use molasses or not??????

experienced help needed, i dont wanna fuck my crop so close to harvest, i want this shit to smoke lol , thanx:peace:
well yes it did help until i read the part that my plant wouldnt absorb or be able to brakedown the sugars, im using chemical ferts at low strenght, so can i use molasses or not??????

experienced help needed, i dont wanna fuck my crop so close to harvest, i want this shit to smoke lol , thanx:peace:
It's a personal choice really. I doubt you'll fuck anything up, just maybe won't get the full benefit of the mosasses. You could always experiment with one plant and see what happens.
It probably wont do a whole lot of good with chem ferts at the end of your grow but it won't hurt anything either way.
i boil my water then add 1 teaspoon per gallon while cooling the water for use...put it in when water is still hot but off the fire
i think you may be taking an unnecessary risk with molasses
i've got a great grow finishing up, but i stopped using molasses 2 weeks ago, maybe 1 week more for harvest
some growers have complained that too much molasses too long produced harshness
from the sounds of your grow, you've done well, it just doesn't sound like molasses is going to help at this stage
well yes it did help until i read the part that my plant wouldnt absorb or be able to brakedown the sugars, im using chemical ferts at low strenght, so can i use molasses or not??????

experienced help needed, i dont wanna fuck my crop so close to harvest, i want this shit to smoke lol , thanx:peace:

You won't screw it up, but I don't think it will give you the desired effect.

I say just make sure you flush a few weeks before harvest and you should have some killer bud.
ok, looks like il just sick to my bloom and boost neuts until 10 days short of choppint, then theyl have a 10 ph'd flush, the buds r killer already and they willprob swell a lot in the last 10days anyhow, thanx everyone that posted!!!!!
I flushed my plants with 2 tablespoons to the gallon just stir and shake and ph’d to 6.0-6.5 and should I be worried. Or be like meh because I did this days ago and the plant looks healthy.
I flushed my plants with 2 tablespoons to the gallon just stir and shake and ph’d to 6.0-6.5 and should I be worried. Or be like meh because I did this days ago and the plant looks healthy.
It will be fine bud just water as normal next time.
They won’t grow more in the last 10 days, you’re past bud development now the leaves will turn yellow and your white pistils should almost all be orange/brown and it should be oozing with resin. Good luck!