wierd seedling colours? any tips?


That's really small for a couple of weeks. I think they need food and/or some water. Looks more like a couple days old.
i gave it a feeding of general hydro flora series, low dose, i gave it alot of water. i fear to much hence the stunted growth...


Well-Known Member
i gave it a feeding of general hydro flora series, low dose, i gave it alot of water. i fear to much hence the stunted growth...
What's a low dose? Use the drain to waste feedchart from their website, it is great. I feed my seedlings that size with 4mL each of GH three part per gallon.

Also my biggest problem when I started growing was underfertilizing. (I am still having this problem evidently because I made a post recently with a deficient autoflower) Anyways, you'll get the hang of it, just keep an eye on them and you will figure out what they look like when they are too dry/wet or over/underfed.

It looks like they are in a really big pot but it's hard to tell, I would saturate (fully soak) the soil at least once, with a weak nutrient solution, during planting because if you are only watering a little bit at the top, the roots won't grow downwards in search of water and nutrients.

And for dryness I can't recommend the finger method enough. If you can stick your first joint into the soil near the plant and it's not wet (might feel wet if it's colder but rub your fingers together after and it will be easy to tell) then it needs water. If you are watering to runoff every time (hopefully soon) then I stick my finger up a drainage hole if I'm unsure how wet the soil is.

Edit; use the drain to waste feedchart for early veg, not for seedling at this point.


Well-Known Member
im using this feeding schedule. thanks for the great advice man i really appreciate it
Yeah, imo that feed schedule is not nearly enough. I'm not a huge fan of info from youtube, but check out NVClosetmedgrower and his how to grow series. I have watched his series at least three times, it's that good. He uses the same nutes, but quite literally at 6x the amount shown by seed2stoned in flower. This series specifically was one of the reasons I realized I was underfeeding. He feeds more than I do though, everybody's got to dial it in for themselves so to speak.


Well-Known Member
Your coco is too dry. If you're seeking success you're going to have to manage keeping it moist without keeping it too wet; the downside to those giant pots you're using.

Secondly, you shouldn't water using plain water in a coco grow. Every time you water, there should be nutrients in the solution.

If those are 2 weeks old and they're autos....you may want to rethink your strategy.

Good luck.


Your coco is too dry. If you're seeking success you're going to have to manage keeping it moist without keeping it too wet; the downside to those giant pots you're using.

Secondly, you shouldn't water using plain water in a coco grow. Every time you water, there should be nutrients in the solution.

If those are 2 weeks old and they're autos....you may want to rethink your strategy.

Good luck.
thanks im currently using nutrients but by what im reading im not using enough! itll be trial and error with help along the way


Yeah, imo that feed schedule is not nearly enough. I'm not a huge fan of info from youtube, but check out NVClosetmedgrower and his how to grow series. I have watched his series at least three times, it's that good. He uses the same nutes, but quite literally at 6x the amount shown by seed2stoned in flower. This series specifically was one of the reasons I realized I was underfeeding. He feeds more than I do though, everybody's got to dial it in for themselves so to speak.
okay i will boost the feed. was always too nervous about high ppms or burning the plant


Might be better off giving it something for root development like plant magic root stimulant. I do not see how you can be under feeding a seedling with 2 leaves, but you could easily overfeed it and kill or badly damage it at this stage. If that is pure coco with perlite almost impossible to over water, coco should be kept relatively moist pretty much all the time, very easy to underwater though, looks dry to me. Whats PH of your water/feed? Have you added any Cal/mag or similar? I doubt very much your problem is under feeding at this stage, but without knowing all your parameters people will struggle to give you relevant advice.


Might be better off giving it something for root development like plant magic root stimulant. I do not see how you can be under feeding a seedling with 2 leaves, but you could easily overfeed it and kill or badly damage it at this stage. If that is pure coco with perlite almost impossible to over water, coco should be kept relatively moist pretty much all the time, very easy to underwater though, looks dry to me. Whats PH of your water/feed? Have you added any Cal/mag or similar? I doubt very much your problem is under feeding at this stage, but without knowing all your parameters people will struggle to give you relevant advice.
i use cal mag yes. i ph it right now between 6.0 and 6.5


Should be good for a seedling. 5.6-5.8 is best during veg and then 5.8-6.2 during bloom is recommended depending on other parameters. What humidity and temps you have, high humidity will help at this stage, if you have low humidity try putting a little plastic dome over the seedling with a couple of small holes, also spray with water, taking care not to burn leaves depending on heat from your light. So my advice is keep that coco moist, some root stimulant and very low dose of nutes at this stage and get humidity up as much as you can to around 70-80% if possible, using domes possibly. Others might have better advice, I generally grow from clones so stunted seedlings is not something I am too familiar with, but I use coco all be it with additions like worm castings and others.


Should be good for a seedling. 5.6-5.8 is best during veg and then 5.8-6.2 during bloom is recommended depending on other parameters. What humidity and temps you have, high humidity will help at this stage, if you have low humidity try putting a little plastic dome over the seedling with a couple of small holes, also spray with water, taking care not to burn leaves depending on heat from your light. So my advice is keep that coco moist, some root stimulant and very low dose of nutes at this stage and get humidity up as much as you can to around 70-80% if possible, using domes possibly. Others might have better advice, I generally grow from clones so stunted seedlings is not something I am too familiar with, but I use coco all be it with additions like worm castings and others.
temps go from 18c at night to 26c when lights are on. i have a humidifier running and humidity sits around 70. i tried a humidity dome at first but had some fuzzy stuff around a chopstick i had in the dirt to help one of the seedlings stand up. i got rid of it right away when i saw it but after that i took out the domes.