Now these two platimum OGs are from bagseed so all from the same batch. Idk if these are just two very different phenos of the same strain OR if the mother of said seeds was pollinated with another strain causing these vastly different bud structures. They smell similair but still different. The one on the right has very red hairs and a very "conelike" bud structure. Smells more on the fuel side with that classic kushy smell in the background. Hints of citrus. The one on the left has more of a golf ball bud structure and the hairs are thinner, lighter in color and barely visible unless up close. Same ass the other as far as scent but much brighter. Not so much fuel. More citrus on this one with kushy fuely undertones. So both smell similar just one is more fuel smelling with a citrus undertone and one is more citrus with fuel undertones. both have that identifiable kush smell that I cant explain other than my saying "kushy" but if you're a fan of any of the OG strains you'd probably be able to identify the smell I'm talking about
These girls will be coming down in 1 to 2 weeks. Ready or not, the schedule is the schedule and sticking to it is essential to harvesting every 4 to 6 weeks.
Checked trichs.0% clear. 98% cloudy. 2% amber.

These results lead me to believe she'll be done on time anyway. Thoughts?
Continuing flush (water only), waiting for fade and about 30% to 50% amber
Definitely looks like you’ll be where I personally like my trichs to be in a week or two for sure. I like maybe 25% amber, maybe just a touch more. Awesome job man. I wish I knew anything about the rep stuff on here I’d rep you up. Lol
That's about about were I like mines as well. Has nice effects that way. I wish I knew about the rep to lol. Now is the hard part. When u CAN chop but just waiting for the right level of maturity. Patience becomes a little challenging
Excessive heat can cause lots of problems including, but not limited to airy bids and mold growth. I'd like dense buds and cooler temps can help that. I can get my closet and tents down to about 75F if I open my windows and open up the closet door. Seems to hover between 75 and 80F . It can get up to 90 or higher sometimes so keeping and eye on it Is helpful. Big Fluctuations in tour temps can also cause issues. Daily gardening is the best way to to keep things consistent. 20 min a day in the garden will work wonders if your setup is small like mine . These are just tips I like to share. If you don't know , these small things can affect yields majorly. something to keep in mind20200511_112626.jpg20200511_112601.jpg
So it's looking like the two critical (middle and left) plants are female. I'm sure of it. I'm not 100 percent sure on this other one but it looks male to me.
I just used the thing I use to check trichs to check the pre-flowers. It's a male. Other 2 are female. I love when they show nice and early so I dont have to waste my time feeding and training males. Since I've got my two females ( both critical ), I have transplanted them into 3 gallon fabric pots and will be moving them when I chop the platinum og 20200512_093017.jpg.unfortunately I dont have a separate drying space so they will have to hang dry above the lights in the flower tent.
I just used the thing I use to check trichs to check the pre-flowers. It's a male. Other 2 are female. I love when they show nice and early so I dont have to waste my time feeding and training males. Since I've got my two females ( both critical ), I have transplanted them into 3 gallon fabric pots and will be moving them when I chop the platinum og View attachment 4563121.unfortunately I dont have a separate drying space so they will have to hang dry above the lights in the flower tent.
Check out drying in cardboard boxes. The UV will breakdown the thc I’ve read. Darkness is important I guess. I’ll see if I can find something on it.
These girls really appreciated their transplant. Look at yesterday's pic compared to today's. They look much happier.

These YOUNG (ladies?) Will be topped soon. Maybe another week or less. 20200513_192835.jpg
Frost level? LEGENDARY!!
No really though, some of my frostiest nugs to date

Finally got some fade action! Not much longer now!

Last but not least. The girls in early flower are doing about as well as expected right now
Training day
These gals (critical) will be going into the flowering tent soon so I went ahead and did some heavy defoliation and monster cropping. This Is more or less my process everytime. Top early, train aggressively, and ofc lollipop and defoliate 20200514_200817.jpg20200514_195914.jpg20200514_195816.jpg20200514_200812.jpg20200514_200835.jpg
This is also how I create an even canopy. I'm basically scrogging without the net. I find the net to be very limiting and not exactly necessary. Does it help? Yes . Can u accomplish a multi-top, full, even canopy without one? Yes. I'm not against nets. If I weren't harvesting perpetual I would 100% use a net and fill in every square . But I need to be able to move things every few weeks so a net becomes a bit of a hassle and sometimes downright annoying
This is also how I create an even canopy. I'm basically scrogging without the net. I find the net to be very limiting and not exactly necessary. Does it help? Yes . Can u accomplish a multi-top, full, even canopy without one? Yes. I'm not against nets. If I weren't harvesting perpetual I would 100% use a net and fill in every square . But I need to be able to move things every few weeks so a net becomes a bit of a hassle and sometimes downright annoying
I’m in the process of building a net. I actually didn’t even add that into my attempted perpetual cycle. Thanks for the outside point of view!
I’m in the process of building a net. I actually didn’t even add that into my attempted perpetual cycle. Thanks for the outside point of view!
I have to admit tho . I did end up having to put the net I at the end. Tops just kind of folded on themselves. I'm thinking of other ways to go without the net. I have an idea but it sounds stupid in my head so I might try it b4 I share it lol