Yeah my stache is still pretty light brown but my goatee has got streaks of silver. Once people see it they can never not see it. "Oh looking quite distinguished old chap!" Later… "Either he'z de-aging or that fuck put dye in his beard!"
Went to renew my DL last year and the girl entering my info was ok until I said; hair, "gray". She stops typing, looks up and says "Looks more white to me" [sighs]

Stay safe out there my friends. Though, not sure just how safe I am with a Chinese made mask that is probably defective.

Stay safe out there my friends. Though, not sure just how safe I am with a Chinese made mask that is probably defective.
Ah. Steve French. My favorite member. A bit of a sleeper, but thats of no matter.

Reason he’s my favorite member?

One time in the picture of yourself thread he posted a picture of himself with a ski mask, a glock, a stack of new xboxs and playstations in the box and several of the largest black dildos I’ve ever seen. One of the best pictures ever. Love you.