So I’ve been having some problems with my plants (week 4/5 veg) that I and some others on RIU had pegged as a combo of water PH being too high (tested and I know this to be true) and a nitrogen deficiency (yellowing leaves on the bottom) Well this morning I was looking in the soil and I noticed the TINIEST little white bugs crawling/ hopping around. They are not on any of the leaves at all and not even on the surface of the soil, really just when I dig around there a little bit. And they crawl right back into the soil as soon as they are exposed. Like I said, no damage on the leaves from them and they are only in the soil and they are SMALL, like almost too small for the naked eye. It’s very hard to get a picture of them because they really are that small. I also don’t see many of them at all. I took some videos where you can see them moving and took some screenshots but it’s not very clear. Tried to take pics and couldn’t get one. This is the best I have