With all due respect, an online forum is not the place to hold court. If you want to just share your way of doing things without input or questions from others or the opportunity to learn something yourself, you'd be better served self-publishing a book or a blog.
With all due respect, an online forum is not the place to hold court. If you want to just share your way of doing things without input or questions from others or the opportunity to learn something yourself, you'd be better served self-publishing a book or a blog.
I've got no problem with inputs or helping ppl, that's the entire reason I made this thread for everyone and was gunna work on another one for yall. My response was a cause and reaction, he asked a question, I answered with facts based on my experience, it is what it is. I dont give two shits. I'm over here smoking some the best bud I've ever had in my life!
I've got no problem with inputs or helping ppl, that's the entire reason I made this thread for everyone and was gunna work on another one for yall. My response was a cause and reaction, he asked a question, I answered with facts based on my experience, it is what it is. I dont give two shits. I'm over here smoking some the best bud I've ever had in my life!
That's cool and all... but worms are more than capable of living in and thriving in SIPs, just not the way you're doing it.
I'll admit that I haven't read every post in the thread, but if you don't mind me asking a relevant question, have you seen any benefit to aerating the reservoir? On the surface, at least, if you're basing your inputs so heavily in anaerobic bacteria, it would seem counterintuitive to constantly oxygenate them. I had considered adding some air to my Earthbox reservoirs, but I don't have a closed lid system and I only use LAB in the tank when initially setting up and planting a preliminary cover crop. After that, it's all IMOs and KNF inputs for the most part.
I'll admit that I haven't read every post in the thread, but if you don't mind me asking a relevant question, have you seen any benefit to aerating the reservoir? On the surface, at least, if you're basing your inputs so heavily in anaerobic bacteria, it would seem counterintuitive to constantly oxygenate them. I had considered adding some air to my Earthbox reservoirs, but I don't have a closed lid system and I only use LAB in the tank when initially setting up and planting a preliminary cover crop. After that, it's all IMOs and KNF inputs for the most part.
Actually working on that right now, but so far yes, growth seems the have increased. But I'm going to be setting up a side by side soon, to set it to rest.
Honestly I want to actually run test on just em1 and what happens to it when it get airated. I've alwyas been fascinated with em since I started using it. From what I've come to understand, air doesn't hurt or kill it, but somehow changes it entirely, but like I said I dont really know much more than that, and I cant even back that part up as of right now. Just something I've read, been quite busy honestly.
I'll admit that I haven't read every post in the thread, but if you don't mind me asking a relevant question, have you seen any benefit to aerating the reservoir? On the surface, at least, if you're basing your inputs so heavily in anaerobic bacteria, it would seem counterintuitive to constantly oxygenate them. I had considered adding some air to my Earthbox reservoirs, but I don't have a closed lid system and I only use LAB in the tank when initially setting up and planting a preliminary cover crop. After that, it's all IMOs and KNF inputs for the most part.
That sounds like an awesome idea. I have an EarthBox that I grew tomatoes and shit in outdoors that was pretty impressive. Adding some extra oxygen to the roots sounds awesome. They would love it.
Honestly I want to actually run test on just em1 and what happens to it when it get airated. I've alwyas been fascinated with em since I started using it. From what I've come to understand, air doesn't hurt or kill it, but somehow changes it entirely, but like I said I dont really know much more than that, and I cant even back that part up as of right now. Just something I've read, been quite busy honestly.
I believe the Terraganix EM-1 is LABs plus IMO, if I'm not mistaken. So is SCDProbiotics, which is what I was using starting a new container until I found the stuff I use now. I just use the SCDProbiotics stuff to make bokashi for the cat litter now. I'm making most of my own inputs now, but I do really like the microbe products from Earthman Living Soil aka Origami's Living Soil. Found him by accident on YouTube and have kept in touch with him off and on. His stuff has everything in it that's in the Rootwise line plus he has granular, liquid, and innoculated wheat bran-style microbes available. He doesn't say so but, reading between the lines, his Growvana stuff is basically an extremely well thought-out and balanced concoction of his local humus and all the best products offered by Buildasoil.
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That sounds like an awesome idea. I have an EarthBox that I grew tomatoes and shit in outdoors that was pretty impressive. Adding some extra oxygen to the roots sounds awesome. They would love it.
Maybe... my main concern with it is whether the air bubbles breaking up the mycos and causing increased sediment to fall past the aeration screen would be counterproductive.
Maybe... my main concern with it is whether the air bubbles breaking up the mycos and causing increased sediment to fall past the aeration screen would be counterproductive.
With the way I set mine up, I dont have and I'm not sure what screen your talking about. Here is how I did it. I took and old version of my sip, removed the floor filled it with a peice of that black hose and shoved the stones in it, then fill it with vermiculite. So far I've been very happy, but until I can say for a fact, I gotta finish this run, and do a true side by side, all exact same constants and the only variable being the air stones.

Also I drilled a bunch of holes in the black pipe this way the air would spread a bit more evenly rather than just out the left and right side of the hose.
With the way I set mine up, I dont have and I'm not sure what screen your talking about. Here is how I did it. I took and old version of my sip, removed the floor filled it with a peice of that black hose and shoved the stones in it, then fill it with vermiculite. So far I've been very happy, but until I can say for a fact, I gotta finish this run, and do a true side by side, all exact same constants and the only variable being the air stones.

Also I drilled a bunch of holes in the black pipe this way the air would spread a bit more evenly rather than just out the left and right side of the hose.
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I was talking about the Earthbox Root and Veg containers that I use. Thought about putting a 3ft flexible water stone in each tank and running 6 off a big pump without changing anything else, but I was concerned about the air bubbles knocking sediment into the reservoir and being more damaging to the fungal rhizome than beneficial, especially since I use breathable mulch anyway.
I was talking about the Earthbox containers that I use.
Oh ok, yea I've never used them, clearly I can see why they work so well, but about 4 or 5 years ago when I first came to this site, something was burned into my skull about a 5-10g pot not really being big enough to support an entire food web. And honestly I feel my 18g sips are also a tad too small. So bc of this I never bothered with them. But if they made them in a super plus size. Like 30+ g. I'd be broke mother fucker, bc I know the small ones are high priced as well, comparing to other pots.
Oh ok, yea I've never used them, clearly I can see why they work so well, but about 4 or 5 years ago when I first came to this site, something was burned into my skull about a 5-10g pot not really being big enough to support an entire food web. And honestly I feel my 18g sips are also a tad too small. So bc of this I never bothered with them. But if they made them in a super plus size. Like 30+ g. I'd be broke mother fucker, bc I know the small ones are high priced as well, comparing to other pots.
They're 15 gallons of medium over a 2.5 gallon reservoir unless you get the Junior size. Basically the same size as your containers but probably actually hold more water without the bed of vermiculite. Was going to add that the other reason I scrapped the aeration idea was that, once they're into flower, each one will drink 1.5 to 2 gallons per day anyway, so the roots are getting plenty of fresh air.
They're 15 gallons of medium over a 2.5 gallon reservoir unless you get the Junior size. Basically the same size as your containers but probably actually hold more water without the bed of vermiculite. Was going to add that the other reason I scrapped the aeration idea was that, once they're into flower, each one will drink 1.5 to 2 gallons per day anyway, so the roots are getting plenty of fresh air.
I actually didnt know that, guess I've only ever seen the JR

But no not anywhere near my size of my 30g, my 30g hold almost exactly 4 cu.ft. my guess is that soil containers and totes are measured differently, even tho they both are called gallons. I could be wrong about that, but I know for a fact even with the reservoir I can fit easy 3.5 cu.ft. with space still at the top. Maybe its bc of how the sides "bow" out, idk.