Biden is screwed

Biden's Son is a joke:
Ok, let's say his kid is a joke, what does that matter? The 'corruption' lies being spread by Trump's foreign and domestic trolls has been shown to be pure conspiracy theory nonsense over and over again. So he is a joke, growing up in DC with a famous dad and dealing with rich kids everywhere it doesn't surprise me if he is (or not, I don't know the guy at all and could care less when compared to the true pieces of shit Trump's kids are).

Are either the Democrats or Republicans going to let us live in Free society. I don't see it. Why should a Government tell us what to do? Until we stop throwing money to the wind supporting foreign governments and juicy "pork barrel" legislation we will never be free. We will never have a true Free Enterprise. I support neither Democrats or Republicans. I believe I have a right to grow what I choose. Neither is willing to see that cause. :leaf:
Free? lol come on man, what does the government tell you you 'have' to do? All it can do at the end of the day is make laws for things you can't do, because someone screwed it up for everyone enough that it had to have a law made, and hope that you don't do them, and hold you accountable if it is proven in a court that you should be accountable.
Biden's Son is a joke:
Are either the Democrats or Republicans going to let us live in Free society. I don't see it. Why should a Government tell us what to do? Until we stop throwing money to the wind supporting foreign governments and juicy "pork barrel" legislation we will never be free. We will never have a true Free Enterprise. I support neither Democrats or Republicans. I believe I have a right to grow what I choose. Neither is willing to see that cause. :leaf:
Biden son isn't running for president. He's only relevant to MAGAts.
Joe Rogan is a really good MMA announcer, and entertainer, but he is not in any way a credible source. He lost his mind and started taking himself too seriously when he started going down the DMT and conspiracy theory road.

And Biden's kid who has a law degree and took a job that got paid about the same amount in a year with his law degree as 3 or so speeches for his Dad doesn't seem like it would be in anyway worth tarnishing 50 years of a super clean career in which Biden never cashed into his office. It is a proven Russian conspiracy theory they were going to try to use in 2016 but Biden did not run.

This is exactly what the Right wing trolls want people to believe. It is not the case. Democrats have been trying to legislate for all the people for the last 50 years, while the Republicans win if they can stop all progress. It is not the same by a mile until the Republicans start to vote in more responsible people looking to do the work the people of our nation require of our elected officials.

Paid trolls.
There will most likely be a serious third party after this, but it will be on the right and bankrolled by the rich, who can afford to change state laws. An American conservative party will gather the sensible ones and patriots to themselves and leave the poisoned racist GOP to wither and die. We had a similar phenomena happen in Canada after the tories under Mulroney literally got wiped off the map with one seat left in parliament. The progressive conservative party splintered into the a more radical reform party that split the right wing vote, crippled them and keep them out of power for a decade. They reformed and united again under the conservative party of Canada, dropped the progressive and won with harper and then a minority government until turfed by Trudeau and 2/3 of the electorate who hated his guts.

The same thing might happen in the USA with the Lincoln project forming the nucleus of such an effort to split the right in America and that would be a very good thing for America. The republican party has been poisoned beyond redemption and filled with lunatics, morons and bigots, it would be too hard to salvage it and for sensible people to ride the elephant again, Donald will control them even from prison. The brand has been seriously damaged among patriots, and when they are in a minority your journey as a nation is over.
There will most likely be a serious third party after this, but it will be on the right and bankrolled by the rich, who can afford to change state laws. An American conservative party will gather the sensible ones and patriots to themselves and leave the poisoned racist GOP to wither and die. We had a similar phenomena happen in Canada after the tories under Mulroney literally got wiped off the map with one seat left in parliament. The progressive conservative party splintered into the a more radical reform party that split the right wing vote, crippled them and keep them out of power for a decade. They reformed and united again under the conservative party of Canada, dropped the progressive and won with harper and then a minority government until turfed by Trudeau and 2/3 of the electorate who hated his guts.

The same thing might happen in the USA with the Lincoln project forming the nucleus of such an effort to split the right in America and that would be a very good thing for America. The republican party has been poisoned beyond redemption and filled with lunatics, morons and bigots, it would be too hard to salvage it and for sensible people to ride the elephant again, Donald will control them even from prison. The brand has been seriously damaged among patriots, and when they are in a minority your journey as a nation is over.
Or, just oust all the idiots running the Republican party now and get competent Republicans who have the needs of all the American citizens because they are from everywhere and not just look like a white guy frat house reunion.

It wouldn't be as easy as the Democrats had it with the racist agenda melting away over the years as it moved to the Republicans after the civil rights era. We just need to really get back to separation of church and state, and maybe best yet pass some legislation that the politicians are not allowed to lie to the American people while sworn in. The fact that they can lie, but witnesses can't in hearings is bullshit.
Or, just oust all the idiots running the Republican party now and get competent Republicans who have the needs of all the American citizens because they are from everywhere and not just look like a white guy frat house reunion.

It wouldn't be as easy as the Democrats had it with the racist agenda melting away over the years as it moved to the Republicans after the civil rights era. We just need to really get back to separation of church and state, and maybe best yet pass some legislation that the politicians are not allowed to lie to the American people while sworn in. The fact that they can lie, but witnesses can't in hearings is bullshit.
The problem in the near term is the party has been filled with loonies and morons, while the RINOs were driven out, only the con men and politicians remain and many of them are morons too. They will throw up unelectable morons and those that get in will be pure poison, Donald will tightly control the party until he is imprisoned and then he will influence them until silenced politically. Getting rid of Donald and getting him off the stage ASAP is what many republicans really want, the ones in elected office, no GOP recovery would be possible otherwise. I doubt they will have a come to Jesus moment and forsake Cheeto Jesus for a long time and there are many eager to ride the wild elephant using Donald's magic trick.
Biden's Son is a joke

Biden's Son is a joke:
Are either the Democrats or Republicans going to let us live in Free society. I don't see it. Why should a Government tell us what to do? Until we stop throwing money to the wind supporting foreign governments and juicy "pork barrel" legislation we will never be free. We will never have a true Free Enterprise. I support neither Democrats or Republicans. I believe I have a right to grow what I choose. Neither is willing to see that cause. :leaf:
Who cares? He's not running for POTUS, why the concern? Thousands are dying in the midst of an unprecedented national crises and this is your top concern?

Here is how the guy who is jerking yer chain is doing and spending your money, he just got small business pandemic help from the federal government too, which is why you didn't.
Who cares? He's not running for POTUS, why the concern? Thousands are dying in the midst of an unprecedented national crises and this is your top concern?

Here is how the guy who is jerking yer chain is doing and spending your money, he just got small business pandemic help from the federal government too, which is why you didn't.

lips are such click-bait for trumpers*.
Trump Sr has been acting as though one of kids are next in line for his throne.
And I wouldn't be at all surprised to see one of them run in the next election. If that happens, I hope they're met with a fierce charismatic opponent. We've already seen how powerful that administrations hateful division can be.
lips are such click-bait for trumpers*.
Show them they are suckers, that's what these ads are made for, responses to trumpers, they get to see these ads because here they venture forth outside their informational bubbles. It can be a teachable moment for some and fun for me! I encourage posting such ads in response to Trumpers, trolls and socks, besides it might educate them and gives the ads some views. I'm tired of calling these stupid bastards morons and would like to get a little creative, there's little point in talking to many and a cutting or poignant political cartoon is often the best response. Often though I just climb right aboard with the sword between my teeth and fire in my eyes! :D The happy warrior.
Show them they are suckers, that's what these ads are made for, responses to trumpers, they get to see these ads because here they venture forth outside their informational bubbles. It can be a teachable moment for some and fun for me! I encourage posting such ads in response to Trumpers, trolls and socks, besides it might educate them and gives the ads some views. I'm tired of calling these stupid bastards morons and would like to get a little creative, there's little point in talking to many and a cutting or poignant political cartoon is often the best response. Often though I just climb right aboard with the sword between my teeth and fire in my eyes! :D

and a brave warrior you are! thank you for all your contributions:hug:

we may have a way out with pardon- anything to remove him.
'you ain't black' -biden

why do old white men do this? the derogatory accent..why?
Its a dumbshit thing to say. Expect him to walk this back. Unlike what Trump does.

I'll worry about things like this when we have a president who isn't trying to tear down our constitution and make a king of himself.

Priorities, dearie. Priorities.
Joe/Amy ticket vs Trump.... thats the equivalent of Trump being the Mike Tyson at 18 years old vs Steve Urkel wearing glasses and rocking fresh trouser suspenders...

Joe has no chance unless he added a heavy weight like Michelle Obama to be his VP ... Trump is gonna Dunk on Joe from the Free Throw line with his tongue hanging out to the side ...

I think both sides suck ass Dem and Rep
Biden's Son is a joke:
Are either the Democrats or Republicans going to let us live in Free society. I don't see it. Why should a Government tell us what to do? Until we stop throwing money to the wind supporting foreign governments and juicy "pork barrel" legislation we will never be free. We will never have a true Free Enterprise. I support neither Democrats or Republicans. I believe I have a right to grow what I choose. Neither is willing to see that cause. :leaf:
Precisely what is the joke? Is it because he landed a cushy job for high pay? Did he hurt you? How do you know him? Do you call CEO's of banks that fail, then have to be bailed out, only to keep their job and get a bonus in the millions a joke? Why not? I'd like to know if he was somehow corrupt, but like"Obamagate", there is no definition.