Best CS on Amazon?

Wanna try breeding some fem seeds for the first time don't want to make CS was hoping to buy some but have heard of rip offs and not sure how much to get? Any suggestions would be appreciated
Take the time to either make CS or get the chemicals to make STS. If you're going to take the time to reverse a plant to make feminized seeds then do it right. For little more than the cost of one bottle of premade solution that may or may not work you can buy the materials to make CS or the chemicals to make STS and know you have a solution that's going to work. Both can be had for under $50 and will provide you with the ability to reverse hundreds of plants.
I was checking Amazon myself and had the same concerns about quality and ripoffs and getting high enough ppm.

Was hoping to find some stand-out product that is well-known/proven even if it carried a little higher sticker price due to being associated with this market and use (i.e. the hydro store markup factor).
Take the time to either make CS or get the chemicals to make STS. If you're going to take the time to reverse a plant to make feminized seeds then do it right. For little more than the cost of one bottle of premade solution that may or may not work you can buy the materials to make CS or the chemicals to make STS and know you have a solution that's going to work. Both can be had for under $50 and will provide you with the ability to reverse hundreds of plants.
Got everything except silver wire and "alligator clips". Are the clips necessary?
In my digging around I keep seeing notes about whether it has proteins or not; I'm assuming we want the version without as the claims for human consumption usage was that it rendered the silver ineffective. I'd assume the same applies for our purposes here.

I also see some offer ionic and non-ionic versions so that's confusing matters a bit as well.

Otherwise I assume we want the strongest solution possible (you can always dilute) so I was looking at the higher PPM versions such as this one