The White privilege to terrorize

You really don't think that there are racists that are using it to find and radicalize young impressionable kids into hating 'the other'?

You do understand that the whole 'main voting block' you mention about white people is by design right? All because a bunch of Wealthy White Heterosexual Males decided to make it that way a while back when they had to start letting non white men only vote. It really wasn't that long ago.

your a complete and utter idiot... by how many posts you have I can tell you safely that it's time to get on in the real world son...,stop living on the internet, it's turning your brain to jello
If you took offence to the article and didn’t see the inequities it pointed out, that tells me you’re either racist or a fool.

So I guess you’re saying you’re a fool?

That’s probably the case now that I think about it since you seem to think racism is fake.
If you took offence to the article and didn’t see the inequities it pointed out, that tells me you’re either racist or a fool.

So I guess you’re saying you’re a fool?

it's a leftist hunk of shit that of course funnels towards the intended much it misses that it's pretty much worthless for anything but firing up the weak minded voters who can't see thru the bullshit...
it's a leftist hunk of shit that of course funnels towards the intended much it misses that it's pretty much worthless for anything but firing up the weak minded voters who can't see thru the bullshit...
I think it’s pretty well established who the weak minded are. Bad news for you, you’re one of them.
your a complete and utter idiot... by how many posts you have I can tell you safely that it's time to get on in the real world son...,stop living on the internet, it's turning your brain to jello
So nothing, I am in a political forum and so are you right? All you have to say is nothing but insults back at me.

I call bullshit on you being anything but a troll yourself at that point. All you are here to do is talk shit about 'the left' in some lame attempt to 'own the libs'.

You are in a cult or just another troll for them.
you young lads are hiding from the real world and basing everything off what you read on the internet and judging by your state of mind your very tuned in to the political left and their's affecting your judgment and perception of reality... turn the internet off for a while, go outside, mingle with real people...... I think you will see that the world isn't the racist shithole these rabble rousers would have you think
you young lads are hiding from the real world and basing everything off what you read on the internet and judging by your state of mind your very tuned in to the political left and their's affecting your judgment and perception of reality... turn the internet off for a while, go outside, mingle with real people...... I think you will see that the world isn't the racist shithole these rabble rousers would have you think
Right, except this is from actual reports and hearings that the Russians are attacking our election to get Trump re-elected.

And you are just here to shill for him and add nothing to the conversation.

don't give into the fear... that's how they maintain control

Luckily in 2016 Trump fucked up and hired idiots who got his scam caught and while he is trying to pretend likeRussia isn't still working to get him re-elected we know better. Just the cultists that deny reality are pretending like it is not real.

Luckily in 2016 Trump fucked up and hired idiots who got his scam caught and while he is trying to pretend like Russia isn't still working to get him re-elected we know better. Just the cultists that deny reality are pretending like it is not real.

your seeing political gamesmanship was all a lie and everyone knows it.... the tactic was to put as much debris on the tracks as possible and do everything they could to nullify Trumps effectiveness as a president.... IMO they did a fabulous job of slowing Trump down and pretty much accomplished everything they intended to do. . I have several issues with this sets a new precedent and we will see both sides start playing these tactics and even worse the will of the voter will become less powerful then the strength of the political tactics employed by the 2 parties
your seeing political gamesmanship was all a lie and everyone knows it.... the tactic was to put as much debris on the tracks as possible and do everything they could to nullify Trumps effectiveness as a president.... IMO they did a fabulous job of slowing Trump down and pretty much accomplished everything they intended to do. . I have several issues with this sets a new precedent and we will see both sides start playing these tactics and even worse the will of the voter will become less powerful then the strength of the political tactics employed by the 2 parties

So I got to ask where did you get this nugget?

Because I know data analysis and how to use it to tease out information to find the desired response is very real and a very powerful tool. It didn't dawn on me that all the things I was seeing online was a direct result of the Russians using it to attack us.

This has been proven, do you actually think this did not occur? You think this was all some set up like Trump is desperate to convince people is the case? Because it is not, he is a liar and has all his minions lie for him as well. He got caught, but like all great con men, is going to keep working the con and hope for a miracle.

I will believe you if you say that is what you actually believe, but understand it is very easy to trick the human brain:

So I got to ask where did you get this nugget?

Because I know data analysis and how to use it to tease out information to find the desired response is very real and a very powerful tool. It didn't dawn on me that all the things I was seeing online was a direct result of the Russians using it to attack us.

This has been proven, do you actually think this did not occur? You think this was all some set up like Trump is desperate to convince people is the case? Because it is not, he is a liar and has all his minions lie for him as well. He got caught, but like all great con men, is going to keep working the con and hope for a miracle.

I will believe you if you say that is what you actually believe, but understand it is very easy to trick the human brain:

Step out of the bubble son !!!
Step out of the bubble son !!!
So nothing to add to any conversation outside of trying to pretend you have all the knowledge and everyone else has nothing to add.

So between you, a sock puppet troll account, and all the American intelligence agencies, multiple bi partisan reports, and Putin himself acknowledging it. I should listen to the trolling of the sock puppet?

Says the sock puppet posting on the internet.

you are so far from reality son thats it not even funny... anyone with google and 2 minutes can track me down and my 15 years history online using the same account name or variations of the name ( some forums Nitro was taken )... I do not make false accounts and can be found very easilly... your just so full of conspiracy theories your fearful of everyone and everything

as I say... step away from the internet a while...its messing with your perception of reality... and I am not saying this out of spite or hate... yuo are truly out of touch with reality and are living in a bubble of self generated conspiracy theories and fear