The White privilege to terrorize

You sure are triggered by things like white privilege and gun laws, all the usual Trumper traits. Are ya gonna drink the orange Koolaid and Clorox this time around Rob?

Many of the original gun restriction laws in the USA were created to keep black people from owning guns. Are you gonna wipe that kool aid stain off your face this time around ?
You can tell he really just cares about black people having equal rights except for the dead giveaway where he is triggered decades later by civil rights laws
You can tell he really just cares about black people having equal rights except for the dead giveaway where he is triggered decades later by civil rights laws
He just hopes he can convince enough of them to hate immigrants enough to fall for his racist propaganda.
You can tell he really just cares about black people having equal rights except for the dead giveaway where he is triggered decades later by civil rights laws
I can tell you really care about black people except how you use the term blaccent. How are you any better ?
You can tell he really just cares about black people having equal rights except for the dead giveaway where he is triggered decades later by civil rights laws

All people of all races, genders, etc. have the equal right to control their own property and their own body. No race or person has more or less right in that regard.

So called civil rights violates individuals rights to control their own property and body, therefore so called "civil rights" can't be a right. Since one characteristic of a right is, it doesn't negate another individuals rights.

Forcing unwilling people to associate is just the flip side of forcibly preventing willing people from associating.

You don't believe in equal rights and don't know the actual meanings of many words.
another long winded “I’m nit racist” rant from the guy who called Obama by racial slurs (and blamed me for making him do it even though I wasn’t even a member yet)
All people of all races, genders, etc. have the equal right to control their own property and their own body. No race or person has more or less right in that regard.

So called civil rights violates individuals rights to control their own property and body, therefore so called "civil rights" can't be a right. Since one characteristic of a right is, it doesn't negate another individuals rights.

Forcing unwilling people to associate is just the flip side of forcibly preventing willing people from associating.

You don't believe in equal rights and don't know the actual meanings of many words.
I cant tell are you for guns or against?
I cant tell are you for guns or against?

I am for people being free to make their own choices, but not the choices of others.

Guns are tools, I am for them in the same way I am for tires, scissors and led lighting, but not the cheap kind that have poor canopy penetration.
America elected a Black Man for president, America's main voting block is white...put 2 and 2 together....If whites were so racist Obama would never have been elected... fuck me the political left is using fake racism to sell you guys their solution...idiots

create crisis ( Covid 19, Ozone, Co2, Racism, Lawn Dart, Cannabis )
offer solution
win election
sell influence to the elites
get paid hundreds of millions for 2 hour speeches
ride off into the sunset

wash rinse and repeat

Cannabis used to be the boogey man that racism is today... or the ozone layer... or fucking lawn darts for that matter... same shit

You really don't think that there are racists that are using it to find and radicalize young impressionable kids into hating 'the other'?

You do understand that the whole 'main voting block' you mention about white people is by design right? All because a bunch of Wealthy White Heterosexual Males decided to make it that way a while back when they had to start letting non white men only vote. It really wasn't that long ago.
America elected a Black Man for president, America's main voting block is white...put 2 and 2 together....If whites were so racist Obama would never have been elected...

I don’t think all white people are racist. Just some, like you.

fuck me the political left is using fake racism to sell you guys their solution...idiots
Fake racism? You’re (notice proper spelling) a fool.