The White privilege to terrorize

You guys are funny

in your world there are 500 different genders

but when it comes to politics its either someone agrees with you 100% or they are a racist Trump supporter.... there is no middle ground, its binary in your eyes...
You guys are funny

in your world there are 500 different genders

but when it comes to politics its either someone agrees with you 100% or they are a racist Trump supporter.... there is no middle ground, its binary in your eyes...
Oh no the 'sexual identity troll' strikes.

And it gets followed up with 'you guys are putting me in a box (even though I have said how 'the left are this and that' nonstop since they made this account last week)'.
At our family get together today one of my sister in laws was complaining about a truck driver that wore women's makeup. She's divorced from her truck driving buddy. No kids thank goodness. I think he's cheated on her most of their 35 years of marriage. Being a Baptist trumpkin she hates "f@gs". My son asked her if she was so upset because her ex got excited. She never said a word. Got very quiet. I laughed my ass off. I added to the mix. I said I see Trump wants to cut social security if he gets in again. Silence. The trumpkins left early. Woohoo!
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At our family get together today one of my sister in laws was complaining about a truck driver that wore women's makeup. She's divorced from her truck driving buddy. No kids thank goodness. I think he's cheated on her most of their 35 years of marriage. Being a Baptist trumpkin she hates "f@gs". My son asked her if she was so upset because her ex got excited. She never said a word. Got very quiet. I laughed my ass off. I added to the mix. I said I see Trump wants to cut social security if he gets in again. Silence. The trumpkins left early. Woohoo!
Silence from Trumpers

Now, that's progress!!
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At our family get together today one of my sister in laws was complaining about a truck driver that wore women's makeup. She's divorced from her truck driving buddy. No kids thank goodness. I think he's cheated on her most of their 35 years of marriage. Being a Baptist trumpkin she hates "f@gs". My son asked her if she was so upset because her ex got excited. She never said a word. Got very quiet. I laughed my ass off. I added to the mix. I said I see Trump wants to cut social security if he gets in again. Silence. The trumpkins left early. Woohoo!

nice! you probably had some oxygen to breathe again after thy left!
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Another tRUmp turd loses his job and claims to be the victim, I guess a liberal forced him to hang the governor in effigy, actions have consequences moron.

Another tRUmp turd loses his job and claims to be the victim, I guess a liberal forced him to hang the governor in effigy, actions have consequences moron.


The Confederate Battle Flag is a common source of pride for many southerners. Why, I have no idea.

why, i'll never know either- a true blight on OUR COUNTRY'S FLAG..


To me, it represents rebellion. It represents racism. It represents everything that was wrong about the United States, and still is. To me, the so-called “heritage” that southerners cling onto while waving a confederate flag and worshiping their confederate monuments is really nothing more than racism: a longing for the days when they were masters over those they owned.

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