Comparative Grow: from Dutch Passion at The Vault

Sorry guys, I had to pull my plant from my outside tent early (very early) as several buds developed bud rot after some rain. I also had a branch die for no apparent reason. I washed it in a peroxide bath and am drying it even though it wasn't close to ready. It was a nice plant with straight stiff branches which made it easy to take off the fans.

I do have two other flowering plants, both put out at the same time as the Passion Fruit, that have no signs of bud rot yet. Although, I usually keep the plants around that do well in my warm outside tent.
So what's up friends? I know I haven't posted an update in a while. I know I said I would start flowering as soon as I got the others finished (they came out great by the way). And I know that darn Kitty is just waiting to attack at any moment.... Welllllll I haven't started flowering the original Passion Fruit plant yet. And she is pretty freaking large now. 20200528_230627.jpg
The Second one is moving right along. And she will be moving to her second pot tomorrow. I'm sure she will take right off from there.20200528_230906.jpg We had to completely gut our kitchen and have had numerous other issues pop up recently. I am sure everyone is going through something as well. Anyway one thing (including my new flower room flooding) led to another and the first is still in veg.
Soooooo, I was thinking about seeing just how big she can get outside ( in the hoophouse my kids and I are building). And flowering the younger one indoors. But being this a comparative grow,,, and we're all in this together. It seems appropriate to ask what you all thought. Soooooooooo friends, what are your thoughts?
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Alright , she's been out there a few days with extra light in the night from my laundry room window. We have decent shade there for plants to acclimate themselves to sunlight. And the extra light from the house is because I didn't want take the time to dial back her light schedual to match the daytime.. I know a little lazy but it has been an effective method in the past... 20200603_092248.jpg Anyway, she seems to be loving it. The only sign of sun stress from the move was a little leaf tip damage
The boys and I have been working on the hoop house too.20200603_091348.jpg Other spars and purlins should be up in a day or two. There will also be a locked door on one end and metal screens for added security. By then we will hopefully have our plastic and wiggle wire. We are going to grow peppers, peas, beans and maybe some okra in the side rows. And my plants will be in the center row. Other vegetables and fruits will be in the side and back plots around the hoop house.
We are also installing a privacy fence around the back yard. Whew, lots to do.
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Update. To be honest I am impressed with what I have seen from some of your plants @bertaluchi @JimmiP @CoB_nUt @mmjmon @DirtyDogs446 that I have decided to grow my last two seeds in our grow facilitie, which is different for me because all those who interact with me in the past know that we only grow OG at the facility and I'm really not a fan of too much fruity stuff, but I'm going to give this a try. thanks guys for helping me see the beauty of this plant. Okay so here's my passion fruit that I started inside under a Mars 300w LED took it outside to water it, forgot it out there so Im just letting it finish outside. no nutes or anything she's looking great to be so mistreated.
Another update- The larger Passion Fruit is really liking life outside. 20200609_145948.jpg She's just shooting skyward and spreading out nicely. And her new dwelling place is on it's way to being done. 20200609_145921.jpg.the IRAC plastic and wiggle wire just came today too! Yay! The boys and I will be installing the hip boards and purlins in between the rains today. Then there will be 48 inches of bug screen around the base for safe (bug free, screw you bore worm moths) ventilation. A lockable door (on the side showing) and a vent fan on each side. Also lining the base with electrified chicken wire in case anyone makes it past the new fence (going up soon) and the dogs.
You can also see the super soil we made for the planters off to the right.
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Here's the larger Passion Fruit plant. We had some storms coming in a few days ago so I brought the plants back into the house until the hoop house is complete. And that should be today. The fencing will be installed this weekend too. Here in Illinois we legally have to have our plants in a locked secure area (hence the fence and hoop house). And around me it's for important reasons. The meth heads.
So I have kept her indoors for a while. 20200617_094202.jpgand here's the current state of the hoop house construction. The screen is up with chicken wire reinforcement around the base and will soon be installed to the peak. All the lock channels are installed. And after finishing the back wall today the cover will finally be on! So yay!20200617_094712.jpg
Alright, got everything on the outside of the hoop house done today! I'm trying to get a buddy over here to put up the plastic tonight. If not tonight, then in the morning. But anyway.,,, The Doorway To Parts Unknown!20200617_195317.jpg I recycled our old kitchen screen door. And it's getting covered with heavy metal hardware cloth tomorrow.
The chicken wire has gaps near the top on the sides. My son noticed that and asked about the security of those gaps. So even though not many people could fit through there, I had a solution. I put 4.5 inch construction screws up through the bottom. Not even the skinniest of whacked out meth heads will get in there now. And if they try anyway they will bleed, trigger an alarm and get quite the shocking experience from the electrified wires.... Ohhhhh yeah, and then ther is our dogs Sophie and Charlie. She and he might take a chunk or three out of them too.
If it seems I'm focused on the lowest lifeforms on earth today, its because they just keep getting worse here. Some of them broke into one of my friends place the other day through an apartment hallway ceiling first, then through his kitchen ceiling. Sorry for the rant. But I am making sure I'm secure. I really want this plant to do the best she can. :bigjoint:
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:bigjoint: Ok !!! The big moment hath happpppened!!!! Just now!!! FINALLY!!!
This Passion Fruit lady is in her new and final home.... Soooooo, no more threats of attack by Kitty. Annnnd,,, I might've gone a little overboard here... But as the saying goes go big or gooooooo home! Well, she and I have done both. 20200623_223828.jpg Ladies and gentlemen, may we welcome you to her new 158.6 gallon home, in Parts Unknown..... (BTW) That's 600.5 liters (as in, of cola) to our Canadian and European friends.

Now,,, I have grown In the ground (with natural and amended soil) before. And in pots (with great soil too). But never in a potting soil/super soil/ground, scenario such as this. The added soil is a little over 3 feet deep. And the pot is a little over three feet wide. I am super excited to see what she and her housemates are going to end up like at the end of this season.
Thanks again to Georgeseeds, The Vault Seed Store and Dutch Passion for the opportunity!!! Love you guys!
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Happy Fourth Of July! And my Passion Fruit lady is as high as the elephants eye!!! Well pretty near that anyway. I don't really have an elephant around to make an accurate comparison. But I digress, she's definitely taller than me now. And still has a long, long way to go.20200704_083405.jpg20200704_083435.jpg20200704_083642.jpgshe got buried pretty deep too. I still have some lower branches to remove for cloning, but haven't gotten around to that yet.
Just thought I'd give everyone an update. We here in Parts Unknown hope everyone is doing well and will be getting just as high as us today, no matter where you're from!
Your girl is looking good sir, tons of off branches

Im also growing mine outside in fabric pots and they are loving it, I mainlined my plants but the growth and tightness of the nodes I know there is going to be some large colas...

Looking forward to finishing the Dutch passion
Okay, today my Passion Fruit plant got some goodies! First a small dose of silica. Then a dose of alfalfa and kelp tea. And finally she and all but one of the plants got their first dose of Soil Balance Pro. I left out the one plant as a control. The reason being is, I already have a lot of biological diversity built into the soil. And I want to see what difference it makes when it comes down to growth rates. As I have two clones of the same plant in question in there, it seems like the thing to do. I left the slightly larger clone of the two without the dose of SBP to see, more easily, the result. So anyway,,, here's our girl!
Omg! This lovely lady is growing! What a difference a week makes.
Now I cant wait to see what the next few days have in store. I definitely need to devote a little more time to training and tying these girls down or I am going to run out of room.
I keep bending and doing some supercropping here and there and they just keep bouncing back. No more procrastination,,, time for stakes and trellises. Otherwise the ten foot ceiling is not going to be enough! Love you people! I'll be back soon.
Happy Fourth Of July! And my Passion Fruit lady is as high as the elephants eye!!! Well pretty near that anyway. I don't really have an elephant around to make an accurate comparison. But I digress, she's definitely taller than me now. And still has a long, long way to go.View attachment 4614068View attachment 4614069View attachment 4614070she got buried pretty deep too. I still have some lower branches to remove for cloning, but haven't gotten around to that yet.
Just thought I'd give everyone an update. We here in Parts Unknown hope everyone is doing well and will be getting just as high as us today, no matter where you're from!
like your green house slash the chicken coup thry look great