Effects of hallucinogens on depression and other mental illnesses.


I believe that a heavy mushroom trip helped me during a state of severe depression. I thought that the ceiling fans had turned into giant wasps and I was obsessed with Kristen Ritter for a couple of hours, then I felt better afterwards. I guess it was because I was out of my mind and couldn’t focus on being worried about my problems. I really enjoy watching skater Ryan Reyes and I saw a video where he spoke about mushrooms helping him with anxiety and alcoholism. Is there anyone else who has seen positive effects from having a trip?
FDA Calls Psychedelic Psilocybin a 'Breakthrough Therapy' for Severe Depression

Psilocybin produces substantial and sustained decreases in depression and anxiety in patients with life-threatening cancer: A randomized double-blind trial


I read that SSRIs negate the effect of psilocybin, and that mixing the two can produce serotonin syndrome.

Anyone else hear this? I just read it on this forum, makes taking magic mushrooms useless to some of us.

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I believe that a heavy mushroom trip helped me during a state of severe depression. I thought that the ceiling fans had turned into giant wasps and I was obsessed with Kristen Ritter for a couple of hours, then I felt better afterwards. I guess it was because I was out of my mind and couldn’t focus on being worried about my problems. I really enjoy watching skater Ryan Reyes and I saw a video where he spoke about mushrooms helping him with anxiety and alcoholism. Is there anyone else who has seen positive effects from having a trip?

I thought I was over my depression until anxiety of finding more mushrooms set in. j/k

For me the benefits last about 2 weeks (wow, I hadn't dwelled on that in a while type revelation)
There has been a lot of talk in the mediasphere about psilocybin being used for depression.
And there was a recent discovery of a single pot reaction to synthesize large amounts of psilocybin, so pharma can't be too far behind.
Maybe we can have the discussion of pills vs whole fungus entourage effects one day.
I believe that a heavy mushroom trip helped me during a state of severe depression. I thought that the ceiling fans had turned into giant wasps and I was obsessed with Kristen Ritter for a couple of hours, then I felt better afterwards. I guess it was because I was out of my mind and couldn’t focus on being worried about my problems. I really enjoy watching skater Ryan Reyes and I saw a video where he spoke about mushrooms helping him with anxiety and alcoholism. Is there anyone else who has seen positive effects from having a trip?

Magic mushrooms used to be commonly prescribed for depression by doctors prior to the war on drugs. There is tons of medical literature about how this family of drugs can jump you out of a depressive state. This is not new, this might just be new to you. This class in small doses also excites the area of your brain that does math which is why it is commonly used by silicon valley in micro dosing. Obviously if you do more than a micro dose the visuals make doing math nearly impossible. This family is a very interesting area of study in my opinion as it activates your secondary reward system and it's the only group of drugs I'm aware of that does.

Paul Stamets has a story he loves to tell about how he used to stutter and how after doing a heroes dose (5 grams or more) he no longer stuttered. More recently Stamets has been talking about his study with Lion's Mane and cube micro dosing to encourage brain development and growth. The Lion's Mane mycelium is heavy in an enzyme that lubricates the neural pathways, while the cubes excite the neurons encouraging it seems to grow and develop even late in life. It's being looked at quite seriously to reduce the amount of mental issues shown in humans as we live ever longer due to medical advances.
277A01DB-E55A-4A62-9466-F680BABE731A.jpeg My friends, I apologize if the picture is offensive, but this is what I do to myself when my anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder is out of control. Thankfully, it’s been about 18 months since I have had a severe episode like this, however this is just my thumb and sometimes the obsession affects multiple fingers and even knuckles sometimes. Now imagine that your job is to have your hands wet with saltwater for hours a day. The pain is exquisite. LSD changed my life and psilocybin has done a lot to help me. I know this profoundly. We shouldn’t have to go without the medicine that helps us avoid our worst self destructive episodes. I live in a real small town far away from anywhere that I might be able to get the psychedelics and I’m not experienced at ordering from the web. I do have some San Pedro cactus going. Fortunately, the marijuana maintenance gets me through the day. I appreciate the people here who are furthering the public education about these things because it’s the truth that people who are suffering can be helped.
Sounds like you should be visiting the Shroomery forums and learn to cultivate yourself. I could post a how to but that forum is full of knowledge of mycology. In my opinion you want to look into how pour agar plates, how to make a still air box (super easy), how to proper sterile techniques (you are the source of 90% of contamination), and how to sterilize and prepare wild bird seed or your grain of choice. Get some jars fully colonized of the same variety and then colonize your sub to fruit your cubes in the method you chose. It sounds far more complicated than it really is. agar to colonized agar from print or spore syringe about 2 weeks or less. Colonized agar to grain to fully colonize the jar? About 2 weeks. Colonized agar and sub mixed up to fully colonized is again about 2 weeks. Colonized grain and sub mix to fruit is about a week or so. Read up and create your own medicine. A lot of people sell mushrooms that come from contaminated sources and that can cause horrible stomach rot as well as lower yields, but when you have no quality control some people will push substandard product.
Sounds like you should be visiting the Shroomery forums and learn to cultivate yourself. I could post a how to but that forum is full of knowledge of mycology. In my opinion you want to look into how pour agar plates, how to make a still air box (super easy), how to proper sterile techniques (you are the source of 90% of contamination), and how to sterilize and prepare wild bird seed or your grain of choice. Get some jars fully colonized of the same variety and then colonize your sub to fruit your cubes in the method you chose. It sounds far more complicated than it really is. agar to colonized agar from print or spore syringe about 2 weeks or less. Colonized agar to grain to fully colonize the jar? About 2 weeks. Colonized agar and sub mixed up to fully colonized is again about 2 weeks. Colonized grain and sub mix to fruit is about a week or so. Read up and create your own medicine. A lot of people sell mushrooms that come from contaminated sources and that can cause horrible stomach rot as well as lower yields, but when you have no quality control some people will push substandard product.
Thank you very much, I’m inspired. My background is in saltwater aquariums and coral farming, so I am at least familiar with setting up a system to support growth of some various life forms. I know I can do it. Thanks again.
Thank you very much, I’m inspired. My background is in saltwater aquariums and coral farming, so I am at least familiar with setting up a system to support growth of some various life forms. I know I can do it. Thanks again.
I was huge into reef keeping but had to sell everything off when I bought a house about a decade ago. I miss having a tank, but I don't miss worrying about it when I have to travel for work! This is a screenshot from an article that was done on my tank back in 2007.
5-26-2020 4-55-05 PM.jpg
Noice!!! That’s a real sps(small polyp stony) reef right there my man! The purple cap is really sweet, it reminds me of the Vivid Aquariums purple cap. The acropora is where my eyes always go and it’s so hard to get the blue to come out of most. I can tell this tank was ahead of its time because the pictures are not overdone with a bunch of blue led’s. My shop was called The Aquarius in Tempe, AZ and I worked at Reef Culture before that. Now, I gotta find a picture of one of my displays or personal tanks!
Noice!!! That’s a real sps(small polyp stony) reef right there my man! The purple cap is really sweet, it reminds me of the Vivid Aquariums purple cap. The acropora is where my eyes always go and it’s so hard to get the blue to come out of most. I can tell this tank was ahead of its time because the pictures are not overdone with a bunch of blue led’s. My shop was called The Aquarius in Tempe, AZ and I worked at Reef Culture before that. Now, I gotta find a picture of one of my displays or personal tanks!
Yeah, this was back when LEDs were ridiculously expensive, so I went with MH and T5. Everything in my tank was grown from pinky sized frags traded and/or bought from other members of a local reef keeping club. I really miss the hobby and keep tying with the idea of scratch building a starfire frameless nano cube.
No worries man. Cubes are so easy to grow you have to try to screw up not to get fruits if you have clean spawn (colonized grain). Pans on the other hand are more challenging. Happy to help another person find a non addictive medicine with almost no negative side effects other than the trip (depending on dosage, micro dosing might be all that is required in your case) and that is effective for almost no cost. WBS is about 20 bucks for a giant bag and coco coir (often used for sub as you don't need manure for cubes) is only about $5 at the pet store.
I just noticed that you had the orange, blue and green Montipora digitata types too, so underrated. Overall, reminds me of Mike Paletta’s tank from back then. Very beautiful, very advanced, mature, natural reef.
I just noticed that you had the orange, blue and green Montipora digitata types too, so underrated. Overall, reminds me of Mike Paletta’s tank from back then. Very beautiful, very advanced, mature, natural reef.
Thank you, and yes, I had a lot of stuff crammed in there pretty tightly. I had a couple of coral wars in there that got ugly and had to get rid of a couple of nasty little bastards. I actually had a fair number of LPS and soft corals in there too. Here’s a list of what I had in there for corals. I also apologize for the thread derailment.
This the 700gal reef I took care of at Reef Culture from set up to this. I’m sure that we were the first all LED store and this reef was lit with the EcoExotic 100 watt cannons that I don’t think they even made for very long. That green slimer and about a dozen other frags came from my personal tank when we first stocked it along with a bunch of stuff from World Wide Corals, Vivid, and Garrett’s Acropolis. Still looking for my iPad with the pics of my first 40gal reef and setting up Reef Culture from the start.


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This the 700gal reef I took care of at Reef Culture from set up to this. I’m sure that we were the first all LED store and this reef was lit with the EcoExotic 100 watt cannons that I don’t think they even made for very long. That green slimer and about a dozen other frags came from my personal tank when we first stocked it along with a bunch of stuff from World Wide Corals, Vivid, and Garrett’s Acropolis. Still looking for my iPad with the pics of my first 40gal reef and setting up Reef Culture from the start.
That’s a beautiful tank! A guy in my club built his own 700gal tank in his house and I couldn’t imaging how much it cost him to build and maintain. He had to have concrete poured to support the damn thing.