So guys, I don't have access to good genetics, so I was trying to get a female and use colloidal in her to make feminized, but of the 5 plants that I had initially, 2 turned out to be male, I have 2 that I suspect are hemaphrodites, and one that has not yet shown sex even after 15 days in the flora.
It is my first cultivation, what do you indicate? Get rid of the two that I suspect are hemaphrodites and continue only with the one that has not yet shown sex? try to control the pollen bags, tear off, to try to avoid precocious pollination?
I recorded a short video below, my English is terrible because I don't practice, mute the video if you can't stand it hehe
Initially I believed that these acorns would open, as in the photo I have attached, but so far they have only grown, and are not showing signs that they will open
It is my first cultivation, what do you indicate? Get rid of the two that I suspect are hemaphrodites and continue only with the one that has not yet shown sex? try to control the pollen bags, tear off, to try to avoid precocious pollination?
I recorded a short video below, my English is terrible because I don't practice, mute the video if you can't stand it hehe
Initially I believed that these acorns would open, as in the photo I have attached, but so far they have only grown, and are not showing signs that they will open