Mars Hydro Giveaway for May is coming, Are you ready?

I find it funny how many people are upset about this draw. You guys do realize it is free if you win right? Not like we paid to enter. Just saying.......
I'm not trying to win ..I already screwed myself by purchasing the tsw2000..I wish I wasn't so desperate at the time... they say hind sight is 20/20.......just saying lil buddy
Lol. Fair enough. I'm just looking to grow bigger buds. Need a good new light......not a cheap amazon special
Haha..I bought mine on am....z.n....$340...i love the full purchase refund contest :cuss:also....BUT it only applies if you purchase through e..ay..I got burned on the e one for $35..I would have killed if I would have got jacked for +$300
I understand your desire for wanting likes. However I find it a little misleading. I think it would have been a smarter choice just say you're going to have the giveaway if you reach a certain amount of likes.

For me it comes down to ethics. If you say you're going to do something, do it. To not do the giveaway now, will most likely bring a sour taste. And it just looks bad. I want to have confidence in a company because later on down the line if I have an issue, I want to trust that it's going to get handled.

You make terrific lights. But a poorly-run business does not make up for good product.
You have people that like your lights. It's not because they're free.
all about $$$- nothing to do with the forum its just a sales platform with free advertising
no... they are a paid advertiser; and apparently the supervisor or whatever bases eligibility for giveaways on how many likes the post generates.... at least that's what the rep says
Hey, RIU growers, first we do say thanks for your attention on Mars Hydro giveaway again,~-~
appreciate your kind love and support, and sorry for the delay for the giveaway due to lack of the item. We are happy that new stock for USA/UK/DE/AU/CA will come soon.
We hope that during this special time around the world, more growers keep safe, stay home grow our own plants, also join our giveaways for more fun! Enjoy here! Please follow:

-Post your pretty grow photos, your own photo,
- #MarsLED#, Write your own growing experience+ write country+city , must contain any one of the following three topics
[1] How many years have you grown your own weed
[2] Why choose start to grow own
[3] Why want to try Mars Hydro grow kit

We will pick one winner randomly on 10th,June.
(The winner is encouraged to share grow process with this light on "Grow Journals", Good luck to all~)

This giveaway is for RIU growers
Each grower is given 3 chances to post your pictures .

Pick one Winner: the post with most likes

Mars Hydro TS 1000 or Mars Hydro SP 150 (click the item for the item details )

ts1000 giveaway.jpg

@Hawg Wild
@Mellow old School
@Frank Nitty
@Triple R
@Mass Medicinals
@Mr mack

@f series
@PJ Diaz
@Sofa King Smoooth
@Lucky Luke
@casper hero
@Cookie Rider
@Dennis achatz
@greg nr
@Hash Hound
@orville petry
@Sfrigon 1
ok so I've grown this Purple Bud [Sensi] under a Blackdog Phytomax2 - but obviously this light is shit:
look how small that plant grew - the lamp just doesn't give out enough light!

then and here under Sylvania GROLUX linear, which seems to create only popcorn and leafbleach:
(only where the CFL was there were good buds, so Sylvania cannot claim there was anything other wrong than their light, neither did I revegg or harvest twice here, really...)

but the worst, 1000k Hortilux DE HPS [OG Batman from Failseeds] it just didn't grew well...

so I've made my case and my mom told me to get one of those Mars Hydro panels - it's my last hope!

Please like :P
Binary Selections Nurple grown under TS1000 + side lighting... I will not publicly post my location. Been growing for more than 20 years. I started because I didn't want to spend money and smoke inferior bud. I want to try an SP-150 because the TS-1000 has done well for me so far.

Thanks for the opportunity @MarsHydrofactory
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