can't find 280-315nm lights

I don’t know where you guys are finding benefits of running these <300nm uv from. Where?! From all my research I have found that potential tric production/potency benefits arise from 365 - ~390.

be careful what where you get your info and what is specs you use as they are getting dangerous and also scammy at that range.
I don’t know where you guys are finding benefits of running these <300nm uv from. Where?! From all my research I have found that potential tric production/potency benefits arise from 365 - ~390.

be careful what where you get your info and what is specs you use as they are getting dangerous and also scammy at that range.
Because UVB doesn't start until under 300.
That's a legit strip. Where's it from? Link if ya could?
It's in production by a chinese company that gets shit on enough for being new I'll let them have their moment when they release it, but the moment i know I'm allowed to talk more or they release it i will give the link<33
im really looking forward to seeing this product, depending when it releases and the specs i might not even bother making my own
I don’t know where you guys are finding benefits of running these <300nm uv from. Where?! From all my research I have found that potential tric production/potency benefits arise from 365 - ~390.

be careful what where you get your info and what is specs you use as they are getting dangerous and also scammy at that range.
Uvr8 receptor mediates thc production with a peak response at around 285nm. Also from a good friend who tried it and convinced himself :)

There are also other benefits of uvb: it has a very potent effect of opening the stomata which drives trnaspiration: google uv stomata aperture action spectrum there is some very nice info on uv and violet.

60mW total of output (not wattage of the diodes they are not efficient at all) from 4 points over a 3x3 for 3 hours a day was enough for him to notice a great deal of change, not only in potency but in terp profile. Starting uvb softly and short time in veg and building up.
Uvr8 receptor mediates thc production with a peak response at around 285nm. Also from a good friend who tried it and convinced himself :)

There are also other benefits of uvb: it has a very potent effect of opening the stomata which drives trnaspiration: google uv stomata aperture action spectrum there is some very nice info on uv and violet.

60mW total of output (not wattage of the diodes they are not efficient at all) from 4 points over a 3x3 for 3 hours a day was enough for him to notice a great deal of change, not only in potency but in terp profile. Starting uvb softly and short time in veg and building up.

see I’ve read a lot about UV. I have used UVA for a long time too. But I haven’t seen anything proving UVB beneficial. Except for one “study” that also claimed UVC + UVB was beneficial together but it was also leading to a plug for a light system that was for sale...

if there is any links to proper research on UVB and it’s relation to cannabis please post up. like I said before from everything I’ve read the most effective wavelengths are 360 - 390nm.
Is there any research papers or info that is not by a light or horticulture company looking to sell you some shit?
Infact the most recent tests i saw was here on the forum and they pointed towards THC being equally increased by uvb as 400-430nm, but it was quite limited sample. @Prawn Connery would know where that thread is, i cant quitee remember the title. Nachooo is a good friend of mine and maybe, after covid, i can get samples of uvb and non uvb to take them to get tested here in town. Problem is one test like that is not really indicating of a trend, you need statistics with T-test between groups before you can really say ssomething more for sure and i dont think thats feasible on a homegrower level.
Ill take the word of someone whos been smoking the same cut for years and immediately noticed the difference as better indication than just thc numbers though.
My suggestion is trying a meter/3x3, its less than 100% for a diy solution
Is there any research papers or info that is not by a light or horticulture company looking to sell you some shit?
Probably attached to a post somewhere here on rollitup. Think this paper encouraged a lot of the older growers, who reported favourably. Not just on this forum.

280-290 nm LED devices :

