What has Trump done to this country?

Al Sharpton and other traditional black leaders are leveraging the situation to organise people now, in the tried and true way. After months of planning an preparation they will march peacefully on Washington and speak at the Lincoln memorial, it would be serious mistake for Donald to surround the place with goons. They will at best provide a back drop for the speakers at worst they would turn on the protesters, who will contain and be led by politicians, retired military and other notable citizens including ex presidents.

Donald might book the memorial and mall for a small trumper event, but folks will just join and overwhelm it easily and quickly, someone has permission to demonstrate? It will be framed as a giant challenge to Donald and the media will taunt him about being a chicken shit, Donald will seeth and lash out. If Bill Barr started busting heads at the demonstration with secret police, the inherent powers of congress would be evoked pretty quick and Bill would be in cuffs as the gloves came off, revealing the iron fist of the US constitution and the 1st branch of government.
Yes, Nazi's, (I guess), and any body who wants to vote against Creepy Joe.
Nobody gives a shit what people like you think, you're finished, Donald has led you to disaster, that's why you're here freaking out, you know yer fucked. Folks have cut right to the heart of the problem with these protests, after november it will be hate speech, fox and guns on the chopping block along with yer cock Cletus.
Anyone ever play Warhammer or listen too Sabaton?
If you have or do, you'll get a kick out of this (I especially like Putin on his shoulder :) )

Yes, Nazi's, (I guess), and any body who wants to vote against Creepy Joe.
Sounds like something I heard Trump and every Republikkkan say every day for the past three years.

Congrats for defending the president who in just a few months recreated the three disasters, the 1929 market crash, the 1932 depression and the 1968 race riots all rolled up and placed at our doorstep along with an epidemic with no equal in the US in the modern era,

Yeah, Biden can do better than Trump. Easy.
Whoever hosts this shit show will have public disorder, protests, an ensuing public health crises and unpaid bills. They need to trust Donald more and show some loyalty, or he will start attacking them on twitter for not attending the GOP's giant measles party, masks will be forbidden by decree of King Clorox. Trust me folks, what have you got to loose?
Florida prolly.
Or email it to the Trumpers in your life, saturate social media with this shit like Russian bots.

Actually that is a great idea, I need a good link to shove down the throats of Vlad’s Commie Army over at FB .
They hate when I troll the feed. Lol.

Especially those things that want to sell , trump swag that shows up in feed .... gold foiled playing cards , stupid fake trump coins , etc.
They “ move “ my comments to a less relevant comment area ... hilarious. Got plenty of threats and lemmings pounding their patriot chests over the orange bedpan. I should screenshot the battles.
I used to think of Ivanka as a victim of her father but not anymore, she's a willing and enthusiastic partner in his crimes. Must be something genetic in the way they are wired, hell maybe she seduced daddy to just get what she wanted from him, the whole family should be sterilized and lobotomized.
Actually that is a great idea, I need a good link to shove down the throats of Vlad’s Commie Army over at FB .
They hate when I troll the feed. Lol.

Especially those things that want to sell , trump swag that shows up in feed .... gold foiled playing cards , stupid fake trump coins , etc.
They “ move “ my comments to a less relevant comment area ... hilarious. Got plenty of threats and lemmings pounding their patriot chests over the orange bedpan. I should screenshot the battles.
Just respond with Lincoln project ads, those former GOP pricks know how to get to Trumpers! Just go to their youtube channel for a whole slew, ditto for the repblicans for the rule of law for those who like to argue and simulate thinking. Also editorial cartoons are a good response to these assholes. it's places like this where they crawl out of their bubbles to spout rage and trigger the libs, they expose themselves to fire here!
Here are some cartoons, I post them here a lot, they can sometimes sum up the situation perfectly, often with a punch.

If ya like anything I write here feel free to copy past, edit and use on it social media without attribution. Use my responses and lines as your own if you wish. I'm at war with Donald and anything goes.
She’s got karma coming ...... look at her mother’s face .

Yuck .... Imagine being the meat in a Kellyanne / Ivana ( mom ) sammich ?
Enough to make one a Eunuch .... :spew: