Will these products work for a living soil

Will the following mix work for the red wrigglers, african crawlers, mycorrhizae, of course id add cover crop like crimson clover for the nitrogen intake. But for the most part I understand how living soil works about 50 50 , still gotta research some more but yeah I got all this info from a youtube video what do you guys think?

1) Super charcoal


2) Hydro corn ( crevace , valleys, nooks for air, water, food, bacteria, fungi an roots to move through)


3) Boogie brew/tea- USE WEEKLY to 10 days and dilute it 1 to 5 or 1 to 10 for the baby plants and with older plants your ok to use as normal or use vermi tea or compost tea, molases tea.

4) worm castings from organic solutions


5) Neem seed meal - nitrogen

( 1 to 2 cups per batch, try 1 and add more , remember you can always add more )

6) Age old Kelp meal – good potassium

( 1 to 2 cups per batch, try 1 and add more , remember you can always add more )

Then for top feeding id use

1) Natures pride top dressing

2) sucanat dehydrated sugar from Florida if possible
OK I am trying to use coots living soil mix and here is my problem im running into

I am confused when I see soil mix and then compost. The 2 are separate at first right?

Then I mix them together and let them cook right?

When do I add the worms , springtails, and other beneficial bugs? from the start? or once everything is cooked?
Just curious who helped you, and what they said.
Different forum a guy named Kevin fever. Basically my problem was understanding if compost an soil is mixed together, then do i need to buy the bugs like white springtails or are they a product of me feeding the soil/compost. An yeah he clarified for coots recipe I do not need to cook it an as long as I top feed the soil with the directions laid out the soil will live an my plants will eat . Hope I was clear enough let me know if he was right or anything you may want to add.
Different forum a guy named Kevin fever. Basically my problem was understanding if compost an soil is mixed together, then do i need to buy the bugs like white springtails or are they a product of me feeding the soil/compost. An yeah he clarified for coots recipe I do not need to cook it an as long as I top feed the soil with the directions laid out the soil will live an my plants will eat . Hope I was clear enough let me know if he was right or anything you may want to add.
I think you need to do a lot more research. And what is super charcoal. Do you mean biochar?
But from what he said does it sounds correct? Because I understand now that I will need worm castings vermacompost an mix it into my soil an top feed. Am I right or wrong,?
EWC or vermicompost should be mixed into the soil. I also like to use it as a topdressing or I mix it with dry ammendments and then topdress with the mixture.

All my predatory insects actually came from EWC or vermicompost. I didn't buy any seperately.
Yeah that other thread advanced into other things thats why it dont make much sense here lol . I ended up going with this an his advice was based off this
I love this stuff. It's got a nice blend of shit.
I think your making it too complicated. Go get some pro mix or coco loco. Find a source on net that has all the amendments already and follow there instructions. And look at extreme gardening mykos there great.
Went with coco loco to use with amendments. Fox farm is good too but pricey in my area for lil bags. Coco loco less woody too.
Ok perfect you answered the question I was most unsure about and now 2 people confirmed it. As long as I feed my soil the good bugs follow. Appreciate it i can comfortably smoke some ice cream cake now lol
The good bugs don't just appear out of no where just because you feed the soil. They need to be introduced somehow. Mine all came from EWC or vermicompost. But you can buy them separately too if you want.