Does anyone use worms in their indoor garden?

Some of the photos seem to show earthworms, not composting worms. You want composting worms and they do need food sources- finished compost, mulching the top with leaves or chop and drop, and I'd feed very small amounts- bananas, avocado, melons, etc.
Also don't use Uncle Jims- most orders are drop shipped from whoever and more often than not you won't get pure red wigglers for composting.
Odd, their FAQ shows all orders ship from PA. No where on the site is the word drop ship, shipping policy is rather detailed. Someone is fibbing here lol

Join any worm composting group and research for yourself or place some orders and watch them all ship from different states. And please separate the blues from reds and let us know how many of your reds you paid for aren't.... Your choice. Much better places out there- Green Greg's, Texas worm ranch, northwest redworms etc.
Hahahha and if you read the link shared they also don't say ship direct. Most places don't advertise drop shipping and if you've ever worked in any kind of sales you'd know it's common in alot of industry, live animals shouldn't be one.
They can do fine, especially in a large deep tray or very large pots, less so in smaller pots, just don't dry out or over flood the growing media too much or they will die (and smell). mix 5% sphagnum moss into the growing media/potting mix, it will help keep the moisture/air ratio and supply some food. strong chemical fertilizer salts may kill them, stick to kelp/seaweed and fish liquid fertilizers at half strength. Dont add too many worms, 10 worms per 40 liters (10.5 us gallons) of growing media is more than enough.
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Some of the photos seem to show earthworms, not composting worms. You want composting worms and they do need food sources- finished compost, mulching the top with leaves or chop and drop, and I'd feed very small amounts- bananas, avocado, melons, etc.
Also don't use Uncle Jims- most orders are drop shipped from whoever and more often than not you won't get pure red wigglers for composting.
Who do you use, or do you harvest your own?
Uncle Jim's kicks ass. They have all kinds of worms. I only got red wigglers. I didn't want the night crawlers, just the reds.

My first order got messed up and the worms died thanks to my shitty post office. I let them know and they sent me out a whole new order. Not just the worms. Now I have 2 bricks of coco, and 2 t-shirts. They also shipped my replacement order Fed-Ex right away. Awesome service. I can't say enough good shit about a company like that.

I ran red wigglers in an aquaponics grow bed (and swirl filter) for years. One of the nice things about composting worms is that they have the ability to self regulate their population based on the amount of food and the size of the living environment. Mankind should be so instinctive.
Is it true ? That if you don't keep the worms fed they will eat your roots ?
I never put worms into my planters but, when I harvest there is usually a half dozen worms in the root ball. And they are very healthy! Just organics...