First Grow

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
. . . . very, very nice.

Excellent job you're doing there Da Kine, very impressive :!:

Thanks man. i had to do a proper picture show. those HPS lights throw off the color. I am thinking another month of flower and I will have some nice sized colas.

I was kind of an idiot and topped one of the plants after budding and i don't think I should have. oh well, looking good to me too.



Well-Known Member
thanks, i owe it all to rollitup. without this site, i would never have thought i could do this.


Me too, this site is really helping me out. 99.9% of the people here are absolutely fabulous.
So much help has been offered that I really needed :!:

good growing to ya Da Kine

everything is coming along fine :hump:



Well-Known Member
I first ordered from Nirvana, but never received the beans. I have since ordered Jack Herrer from the Doc and am waiting with anticipation. If i don't get the beans from Nirvana within 2 months, I will email them.

They usually send you a series of emails showing each step from order confirmation to mailing. The beans come very stealthy. Got mine a few days ago and almost tossed the envelope. I thought it was jubk mail. Hope you didn't trash them.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
I first ordered from Nirvana, but never received the beans. I have since ordered Jack Herrer from the Doc and am waiting with anticipation. If i don't get the beans from Nirvana within 2 months, I will email them.

They usually send you a series of emails showing each step from order confirmation to mailing. The beans come very stealthy. Got mine a few days ago and almost tossed the envelope. I thought it was jubk mail. Hope you didn't trash them.

they sent out a second batch and i did get them.

i have to say though, i don't get many packages from the nethaerlands.bongsmilie

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
i said fuck it and ordered a 600W HPS light. going to make a 4x3 ft room and put the 400W currently in the room i have in there and replace it with the 600W. it will be fun and hopefully i will get it up and running by thursday. got to go to the lumber yard...

just L

Active Member
looks awesome! ill be order nirvana soon any advise? ill be watching your progress, keep up the good work!

p.s. do you prune or top at all?


Well-Known Member
That shits lookin awesome you vegged the shit outa those supergirls! The buds on the others are gonna be ready in another month I bet, looks like some great smoke already. Keep the 400 in there with tha new 600 and blow em out!

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
looks awesome! ill be order nirvana soon any advise? ill be watching your progress, keep up the good work!

p.s. do you prune or top at all?
i would order from attitude and get garunteed shipping if youwant peace of mind. took 2 months with nirvana.

haven't topped or pruned a plant, at least not on purpose. i dropped my drill on one of the girls and lost a coupla lower branches.

That shits lookin awesome you vegged the shit outa those supergirls! The buds on the others are gonna be ready in another month I bet, looks like some great smoke already. Keep the 400 in there with tha new 600 and blow em out!
not enough room in there. need more space for the supergirls. yeah, another month(sighs), me want that tasty bud now. hehe


Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
here are some super stalks from the super girls. vegging them for 2 months has eally paid off. going to do some building today to get the other room done and thro these girls in there.

they will be able to hold all the glorius bud!


Well-Known Member
hell i didnt know you were a cash cropper,lol, ns job dk , beautiful. its beginning to look alot like christmas,lol.