Any Mushroom Experts???


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't, not pointy enough for my liking, my neighbour had the red one last year with white dots but I was too scared to steal it never mind eat it


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't, not pointy enough for my liking, my neighbour had the red one last year with white dots but I was too scared to steal it never mind eat it

Amanda muscaria

It is highly psychoactive but you can overdose.

And most (including me,) don't much like them.


Well-Known Member
Amanda muscaria

It is highly psychoactive but you can overdose.

And most (including me,) don't much like them.
Yeh but I read there was a poisonous one that looks the same, that's why I was hesitant, I didn't even have a camera it was stunning to see for me because I thought they were exotic forest variety and here it was growing under a birch tree in my neighbours driveway....


Well-Known Member was stunning to see for me because I thought they were exotic forest variety and here it was growing under a birch tree in my neighbours driveway....
Symbiotic relationship with birch or spruce depending on locale. Also happen if mulch is made from same woods and spores are present in the right environment.
And the beauty of nature is in everything everywhere, You just gotta poke around...


Well-Known Member
Symbiotic relationship with birch or spruce depending on locale. Also happen if mulch is made from same woods and spores are present in the right environment.
And the beauty of nature is in everything everywhere, You just gotta poke around...
Funny you mentioned spruce, we chopped our spruce down but left most of the needles on the soil and these yellow spotted shrooms started growing, haven't got pics to hand but when I looked into them there was an edible and toxic one also which look similar, what a biatch. Non hallucinogenic mind


Well-Known Member
There's a book relating Aminita Muscaria to Santa claus and christmas symbols.
Presents under spruce tree
Fat, red and white
Goes down your chimney and eats your milk and cookies (just kidding here)


Well-Known Member
There's a book relating Aminita Muscaria to Santa claus and christmas symbols.
Presents under spruce tree
Fat, red and white
Goes down your chimney and eats your milk and cookies (just kidding here)
Yeh I watched this Vice documentary where these gnomes were living in the hills of Norway (i think) eating all kinds of shrooms and living the good life


Well-Known Member
In North America if you find a species that bruises blue and has a purple brown spore print you are highly likely to have what you seek

Be sure you leave samples on your kitchen table so that if you wind up in the hospital they can determine what sort of liver destroying species you injested