What's wrong with my OG Kush


New Member
Planted this Og kush seed in the first week of April. Was giving it a 7.2 ph water and it was doing fine, then I switched to a 6.5 pH when the buds showed up, and transfered it to a bigger container with with a harder soil. I'm obliged to keep it outside and giving it a 12-13 hours of sunlight per day and 1 liter of water. Never had any major problems until 2 days ago when the leaves became brownish and harder.
Never gave her any food/nutrients so maybe I should give her some now.
Please advise me on how to proceed from now on regarding the quantity of water, sun and nutrients in order to help this beautiful plant regain it's health and give good buds.
Thanks in advance for your advises


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Your plant is starving imo. Not sure what ur growing medium is but if its coco post a new thread looking for help with feeding in coco, ive never grown in coco but I do know it takes daily watering and feeding for the plants not to suffer good luck with plant
Have you been watering with any runoff?

Good to soak the pots and allow runoff Every so often, decrease the chances of salt build ups.

Need to know what medium your using and what nutrient mix your feeding.

7.2 ph is really high for any medium.

Soil 6.1-6.6
Coco 5.7- 6.... altho my bud @Renfro had best success with his coco @ 6.5 i think.
It's too late to really make much difference on that plant. Learn from your mistakes and next run will be better.

Listen to @diggs99 he's a smart fella and has some valid points.

What were you feeding them?
Have you been watering with any runoff?

Good to soak the pots and allow runoff Every so often, decrease the chances of salt build ups.

Need to know what medium your using and what nutrient mix your feeding.

7.2 ph is really high for any medium.

Soil 6.1-6.6
Coco 5.7- 6.... altho my bud @Renfro had best success with his coco @ 6.5 i think.
No I have been watering with a natural mineral drinking water.
The growing medium was peat moss, the indicated ph was between 5.9 and 6.7. And I was watering it with a 7.2 ph water.
It was doing just fine all the while it was in peat moss. After it started flowering I transferred it to a bigger pot with soil as the medium and managed to give it a 6.5 drinking ph water. For 3-5 days it didn't seem weak at all.
I haven't used a lot of nutrients. Just some organic compost lately.

I have no problem starting all over, would just love to know the exact parameters of soil, water and nuts to get it all right this time.
No I have been watering with a natural mineral drinking water.
The growing medium was peat moss, the indicated ph was between 5.9 and 6.7. And I was watering it with a 7.2 ph water.
It was doing just fine all the while it was in peat moss. After it started flowering I transferred it to a bigger pot with soil as the medium and managed to give it a 6.5 drinking ph water. For 3-5 days it didn't seem weak at all.
I haven't used a lot of nutrients. Just some organic compost lately.

I have no problem starting all over, would just love to know the exact parameters of soil, water and nuts to get it all right this time.

The answers to your questions are literally everywhere at your fingertips...
The answers to your questions are literally everywhere at your fingertips...
You are right!
This morning I emptied the pot from all the new soil and filled it again with peat moss.
When I saw the plant and its root from the inside, I noticed that none of the roots could penetrate the soil and only stayed within the peat moss medium.
I watered it with half a liter of compound fertilizer to give it a boost.
I think it will put us back on the right track
You missed some of basics and answers provided, check THIS out. Read up on your medium and crack a new seed. As far as that plant goes, the guys already told you, pick an answer, flush it, correct the ph and feed it or start over, yeah it’s shitty, we all lost plants before.
You missed some of basics and answers provided, check THIS out. Read up on your medium and crack a new seed. As far as that plant goes, the guys already told you, pick an answer, flush it, correct the ph and feed it or start over, yeah it’s shitty, we all lost plants before.
Thanks for the advice and article buddy. Good read!