Anyone use solar power for grow room peripherals?


Well-Known Member
Before I had to move from the Great White North (near Alaska in BC, Canada), I used solar extensively, especially in some of the cabins I had both along the lakeside and scattered throughout the sprawling property. I've set some of the configuration up where I am currently to run my house at a basic level if the power goes out, and a 9kW generator for things like grow lamps and such for extended outages.

I dug out a 100W panel, a spare 30A MPPT charge controller, a couple of breakers and a 1000W DC-AC inverter, and connected it all to a 72Ah deep cycle battery. That entire setup came out of one of my cabins.

Put it together, and am now running two fans and one of my grow controllers off of it. Depending on battery longevity over many cloudy days, I may replace the single battery with a couple of 100Ah batteries I have that I'm not using. My goal is to run all of my grow peripherals (fans, sensors, controllers etc) running off grid. If the power goes out, I want everything except the lights to continue running without manual intervention. I also wanted it separate from my main solar configuration.

Anyone else utilizing solar or other renewable energies to power part or all of their grow?

looks nice if I were to do something like this I would make my own battery ngl.

Trust me, I've considered that. When I lived up north though, I had a great contact at Napa who was able to give me several great back-door deals for batteries. I bought a few of the same 72Ah batteries for ~$25, and got eight 100Ah batteries for under $200. All brand spanking new.
Trust me, I've considered that. When I lived up north though, I had a great contact at Napa who was able to give me several great back-door deals for batteries. I bought a few of the same 72Ah batteries for ~$25, and got eight 100Ah batteries for under $200. All brand spanking new.
if I had a deal like that i would do that no doubt but around here people don't get rid of them at all so for me atleast its just better to do a diy.
I'm running two 24v oscillating fans 8" and 10" using a 24v truck battery 130ah, 200w solar panel charge controller set up, and I never go below 13v even on a cloudy day, I'm just new to the grow game, but in future I'm going to run a modded Wilma and hopefully run some pumps and air stones using my solar system, I even have LEDs in the garden that I can run and my battery never drains.