Lots of us are kinda ignorant.


Well-Known Member
Okay imma jump out this thread lol. I did wno

"I'm the best president ever for black people".

I needed to fill a spot on my Trump drivel card. So, thanks for that.

Social Justice Warrior? lulz, that's not even an insult. You think it is, though. Typical Trumptard. But thanks for filling the spot on my bingo card.

Say something about virtue signalling. I need to fill that spot too.
this one.


Well-Known Member
Read that first part slowly. Page 2.
So cherry pick? No thank you, I would just point out to you that throughout he entire Mueller Report Trump is clearly involved with many aspects of the Russian militaries attack on our democracy, and Mueller was not trying to charge Trump because he knew Trump as POTUS was not going to be charged.

Trump and his minions are screwed for breaking the laws of our country. But only once Trump is no longer POTUS.