Salvia Divinorum

From what I have read you can only grow from cuttings. Man that stuff was a horrible trip

Oh my god. I did the stuff once. I was at my buddies place who lived right next door to me. Sitting in his garage working on our dirt bikes. We're drinking beer, smoking weed and listening to tunes.

He turns off the music and tells me to sit down. He tells me to smoke this stuff. I was immediately at Disney World, hanging around with all of the characters, but they were all armed and were chasing me.

The hallucinations only last for a few seconds to minutes apparently (but it felt like hours upon hours), but I had a horrible experience and an even worse headache for several hours after the ordeal. I had to go home and lay down.

Never again!
Oh my god. I did the stuff once. I was at my buddies place who lived right next door to me. Sitting in his garage working on our dirt bikes. We're drinking beer, smoking weed and listening to tunes.

He turns off the music and tells me to sit down. He tells me to smoke this stuff. I was immediately at Disney World, hanging around with all of the characters, but they were all armed and were chasing me.

The hallucinations only last for a few seconds to minutes apparently (but it felt like hours upon hours), but I had a horrible experience and an even worse headache for several hours after the ordeal. I had to go home and lay down.

Never again!

Haha sounds about right, I brought loads of it once come home and did it with my dad next door. The whole world was a book and the pages kept flipping over and I'm holding on to anything trying to not get sucked in, genuinely thought that was life from now. Somehow ended up outside in the thorny bushes cut to pieces with my dad looking like a cartoon character asking if im ok. Never could do it again and found great amusement getting everyone else fucked for a couple weeks
yea that X20, Xwhatever shit is bananas.

I took a huge bong rip in my buddies basement second time I tried it, held it in as long as possible, blew it out and I was inside a giant hamster ball... I got up to take a piss and rolled my way to the bathroom. Im standing up taking a piss trying to get the stream to stay in the toilet but that god damn hamster ball was so hard to keep from rolling around... piss everywhere... omg.

I just want to try the actual fresh leaf. supposed to be a little more chill. That concentrate garbage is like giving a beginner pot smoker a dab of the clear.. not cool.
yea that X20, Xwhatever shit is bananas.

I took a huge bong rip in my buddies basement second time I tried it, held it in as long as possible, blew it out and I was inside a giant hamster ball... I got up to take a piss and rolled my way to the bathroom. Im standing up taking a piss trying to get the stream to stay in the toilet but that god damn hamster ball was so hard to keep from rolling around... piss everywhere... omg.


If I could be guaranteed a hamster ball experience, I might just break down and try it again. ;)

That said, being chased by Disney characters armed with knives, bats and guns sounds even more harrowing if one was trapped in a hamster ball.
Haha sounds about right, I brought loads of it once come home and did it with my dad next door. The whole world was a book and the pages kept flipping over and I'm holding on to anything trying to not get sucked in, genuinely thought that was life from now. Somehow ended up outside in the thorny bushes cut to pieces with my dad looking like a cartoon character asking if im ok. Never could do it again and found great amusement getting everyone else fucked for a couple weeks

This is very similar to my experience... I felt like I was stuck in the turning page, but I couldn’t react or move or anything while the pages turned... doesn’t sound very intense in words but holy hell, it was likely the second worse experience I have had with drugs and I’m sad to say in my younger years, I tried quite literally all mainstream drugs and a lot of the less “popular” drugs. Shit was hardcore as hell for me tho, and not AT ALL enjoyable to me.
This is very similar to my experience... I felt like I was stuck in the turning page, but I couldn’t react or move or anything while the pages turned... doesn’t sound very intense in words but holy hell, it was likely the second worse experience I have had with drugs and I’m sad to say in my younger years, I tried quite literally all mainstream drugs and a lot of the less “popular” drugs. Shit was hardcore as hell for me tho, and not AT ALL enjoyable to me.

T'was kind of my experience as well, that when you reflect on it or speak about it, it sounds like a trivial thing. But man, when you're right in the middle of it, it's intense beyond belief. My buddy told me that for a few seconds he had to hold me to the chair as I was both falling over and trying to fight the Disney characters at the same time.
the first trip i had was in a different basement. Took the hit, lit the whole bowl up and held for as long possible. Let the smoke out... looked down at myself and realized I was sitting between two railway tracks. I thought it was rather odd that trains would be traveling through my friends house. I looked up and saw the trains light coming very quickly towards me. I couldnt move. That train nailed me. Every train car both lighted and dark, passengers and cargo all passed though me.

That was the first time I was hit by a psychedelic ghost train. the second was after some very potent mushroom tea.

I have to agree, the trip on the concentrate is absolutely abhorrent. 10/10 dont recommend. Feel like straight shit after too for every waking hour.

like I said though, I believe the unadulterated raw leaf may be more pleasant and useful.
the first trip i had was in a different basement. Took the hit, lit the whole bowl up and held for as long possible. Let the smoke out... looked down at myself and realized I was sitting between two railway tracks. I thought it was rather odd that trains would be traveling through my friends house. I looked up and saw the trains light coming very quickly towards me. I couldnt move. That train nailed me. Every train car both lighted and dark, passengers and cargo all passed though me.

That was the first time I was hit by a psychedelic ghost train. the second was after some very potent mushroom tea.

I have to agree, the trip on the concentrate is absolutely abhorrent. 10/10 dont recommend. Feel like straight shit after too for every waking hour.

like I said though, I believe the unadulterated raw leaf may be more pleasant and useful.
That's some crazy shit right there, strange though I snapped out of it in 5 minutes or so and felt completely normal after. It did make me extremely happy and appreciative of life for a long while after

Everyone's so rigid not too many like to play, Very few humans who enjoy a good sway

You look so stiff we can help you a lot, Let us tie you in a bow or tie you in a knott

Grab your neck and watch it bend side to side, Loop it around like shoelaces you're tied

We'll braid you like hair into a pretty little lock, Bend you backwards then fold you like a sock

Your face looks frightened and bears a nasty little frown, We'll bend it up upright we'll turn it around

A smile suits you best and so does the shape of a pretzel, This is a contortionist's game now come dance with the devil

There's no going back, It's such a pleasure to have you, Enter the circus ring your souls on the menu

We're faceless creatures we dance to and fro, We wear a mask so nobody can know

See, you got it! You're bending like us! Have others join our games, you must you must!

Silly precious toy we've wound up your head, We'll send you back but a clone in your stead

hahahahaa!!! aaaahahahaaa!!!

This is a post/artwork from salviadroid on dmtnexus. The poem struck a chord in the back of my head that was very unsettling :|. Salvia is fucking nuts, very interesting tho lol
Easily the farthest from reality I've been - but clear headed and extremely memorable.

I had a "permissive" work environment for a few years; and my crew (5 ppl) read up on it and took a trip to get some.
We went one at a time in our lounge - a very comfy environment - this allowed 4 sitters per tripper.

My jungle journey - immediately on exhale from a steam roller I feel - fractal - my friends and the room were quickly replaced by neon orange and blue palm type leaves - it was all fun and games until they completely enveloped me. Then it wasn't fun anymore - 30 seconds in...
I started clearing away the leaves until I found a tunnel in the leaves that went on for hours until I found a dead end. I stood there trying to figure out what to do next, when suddenly I realized was at a dead end in our archive vault! Reality had returned just as quickly as it left - I really hoped that the next shift wasn't in yet.

Then I noticed my friends, very close by; all grinning wide and now laughing as they saw I'd returned.
Turned out - I got up and did a silly walk ala Monty Python from the lounge, down a hall, and into the vault.
This was pre-smart phone, and we were (somewhat) covert.
Almost 20 years ago and every detail - the irises of my friends eyes as the leaves grew over them - is ingrained in a way that few memories are.