such a stupid cunt..'then let them eat S'Mores'!
As the global pandemic gripped the nation and parents grappled with working from home without childcare or schools in session, along with economic uncertainty, unemployment rising, and the weight of explaining this all to cooped up children, President Trump played down the virus’s impact and Ivanka posted a years-old photo of her and her children leaning on throw pillows scattered across a floor, under sheets arranged as a makeshift tent.
“Staying home today w/ kids?,” she tweeted. “Plan living room camp out! Throw a bedsheet over some taped together brooms. Plan a menu & ‘pack’ sandwiches, salads (S’mores optional) A fun activity that also brings family together for a meal!”
It’s a stunning misread of this turbulent moment for one of the most privileged and powerful people in the nation to tell students about how important it is to listen to her, when she should be doing the listening.
G on Politics (OPINION): Excessively coddled and carefully coifed, Ivanka Trump is not the 'orange whisperer' who will guide our fascist madman president away from errors. As Ivanka Trump plods robotically through her embarrassing public appearances, it is obvious that she is laboring under a...
*two weeks later*'s that tent working..?

can't believe she let herself be photographed like the hot mess above^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^