need help please. im wanted for felony robery. for stealing a gatorade.

Alpine farmer

New Member
alrighty. well im 16. and im stupid. and i stole a Gatorade from this store in my town. got out fine walked about 2 blocks away when some guy pulls up in a car and attack's me. he ripped my jacket punched me in the face. and all i did was hold his arms to stop him and yelled at people in car's to get him off me. some guy got out of his car and helped me then i left.

and today a cop i know (from getting introuble for skating) came upto me with a picture and asked me if it was me. i said nope. i didnt admit anything to him. but he told me i was wanted for felony robery. and its amde a felony because the guy attack me and i tryed to get awaY?

what the fuck should i do?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:sad::-(:sad::sad::-(:sad:

i live in cali also


Well-Known Member
dont worry ur still a juvenille it will be ok young one just take it like a man peace

Alpine farmer

New Member
laugh. total bull shit. press charges against the guy who assaulted you.
i would. and will if needbe.
dont worry ur still a juvenille it will be ok young one just take it like a man peace
im going to take it. i jsut hope it will become petty theft
Gatorade doesnt cost enough for a felony charge unless you took it at gunpoint? Right!
the cop told me it became felony robbery because "i tryed to get away from the guy i stole the drink from"


Well-Known Member
i would get an attourney and file charges against the guy for assault.
dont wait for them / him .... beat them to the punch or it looks like you are lying.
since he came to find you and attacked you it would be no different than if he hunted you down days later at home and beat you senseless.
it's assault plain and simple. and better yet for you it is assault on a minor. a serious felony charge.
and while you are at it your neck hurts really bad and you are having nightmares ... can't sleep you fear for your life.
this sets up your civil suit where you have much less to prove to win and get a sizeable settlement whether you stole a 2 dollar juice or not


Well-Known Member
dont worry ur still a juvenille it will be ok young one just take it like a man peace
yeah man .fortunately stupid shite wont stick until your grown.
chill out .
why are you stealing shit?
drink water man .


Well-Known Member
Why are you stealing? Why would you post this on a cannabis forum? Should people feel sorry for you? If they do feel sorry for you, what would you like them to do or say? You were in trouble for skating? The cops generally don't mess with a person just skating. There had to be more to that, like maybe skating on property you were asked not to skate on again, or possibly harassing people and taunting people while skating. All of this adds up to PuNk.


Well-Known Member
i would get an attourney and file charges against the guy for assault.
dont wait for them / him .... beat them to the punch or it looks like you are lying.
Actually what happened to him is considered Battery. Assault and battery if the guy threatened the kid before he hit him.

since he came to find you and attacked you it would be no different than if he hunted you down days later at home and beat you senseless.
it's assault plain and simple. and better yet for you it is assault on a minor. a serious felony charge.
actually it does matter. If the guy that beat you was the owner or worker of a store, he could argue that he was using reasonable force to defend his property/store from robbers and theives. In discovery it would need to be proven exactly what extent of force was used.

and while you are at it your neck hurts really bad and you are having nightmares ... can't sleep you fear for your life.
this sets up your civil suit where you have much less to prove to win and get a sizeable settlement whether you stole a 2 dollar juice or not
actually that really doesn't matter. If you can't sleep and you fear for your life, that would lead into the assault charge (not the battery). You wouldn't get anything in addition to it, and you would need to have the two medically documented. In order to get more, you would have to sue for intentional infliction of emotional distress, or something fairly similar. Most courts just throw it out unless you have evidence (strong evidence) to suport your claim, which you don't have.

and to clairfy, assault of a minor is a felony charge, when brought by the District Attorney, in criminal court. If you brought charges against him for assault and battery, and was looking for money it would need to happen in civil court, not in criminal, and at that point there would be no such thing as a felony battery charge. It's just battery. You can't get any money from a criminal charge.


Well-Known Member
alrighty. well im 16. and im stupid. and i stole a Gatorade from this store in my town. got out fine walked about 2 blocks away when some guy pulls up in a car and attack's me. he ripped my jacket punched me in the face. and all i did was hold his arms to stop him and yelled at people in car's to get him off me. some guy got out of his car and helped me then i left.

and today a cop i know (from getting introuble for skating) came upto me with a picture and asked me if it was me. i said nope. i didnt admit anything to him. but he told me i was wanted for felony robery. and its amde a felony because the guy attack me and i tryed to get awaY?

what the fuck should i do?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:sad::-(:sad::sad::-(:sad:

i live in cali also

your a liar!!!!! First of all it would be considered a robbery if you frightened somebody with a threat/weapon(such as the clerk), secondly if you steal something under $400 it's petty theft and not considered a felony, and lastly you didn't rob the guy who attacked you, you acted in self-defense, but it's basically his word against yours, which would most likely be thrown out unless there was hard evidence. Oh and if that cop knew you were wanted he would have detained you and incarcerated you.

But if any of this were true, you should tell your parent's, get a lawyer, and turn yourself in, the judge will be more lenient on you if you go that route.


Well-Known Member
it wont stick or u will get it dropped down to petty theft or something

and nute greenwih i think he asked cuz alot of us are probably a lil more familiar with the law

oh yeh and one more thing: SUE THAT MUTHAFUCKA!!!


New Member
They are going to need evidence, keep your mouth shut

alrighty. well im 16. and im stupid. and i stole a Gatorade from this store in my town. got out fine walked about 2 blocks away when some guy pulls up in a car and attack's me. he ripped my jacket punched me in the face. and all i did was hold his arms to stop him and yelled at people in car's to get him off me. some guy got out of his car and helped me then i left.

and today a cop i know (from getting introuble for skating) came upto me with a picture and asked me if it was me. i said nope. i didnt admit anything to him. but he told me i was wanted for felony robery. and its amde a felony because the guy attack me and i tryed to get awaY?

what the fuck should i do?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:sad::-(:sad::sad::-(:sad:

i live in cali also


Well-Known Member
yeah thats all well and good but you cannot use reasonable force to protect property that is blocks away from your store. period . ever. you cannot hunt someone down and beat them and say you were protecting property. how does he even know it was the right kid 15 minutes later 10 blocks down the road.
as for the charges. i meant to go in and see the police and file a complaint for assault on a minor so that the criminal can be charged by the DA.
and on top of that file a civil suit.
and if you think he cant win you are sadly mistaken . as i filed a civil suit against southland corp after their clerk hunted me down and beat my ass for stealing cigs.
and guess what. yup i won.
and guess what else ... the clerk was charged and eventually sentenced to 3 years for it.
know why ... he left the store ... that means i had / was fleeing. and a person that is fleeing is no threat to your life. which is the only thing the clerk is allowed to protect.
the property is not his and he has no right to protect it with force ... reasonable or not.
by the way i was awarded 40,000 dollars on top of medical bills for pain and suffering .. or rather my parents were ... they really shoulda gave me that money but thats another story
you really should know wtf you are on about before you rip onto someone fartknocker


Well-Known Member
Why is this crap being posted on As far as I'm concerned, Phinxter, you're a crook just like the person who started this thread. You will go through the rest of your life looking for hand-outs and lawsuits. Congrats to you and your parents on the settlement...



Well-Known Member
mmmm yeah that was like 25 years ago. i have since moved on and have a wife and 3 kids. i am a journeyman electrician and i grow my pot legally according to the state i live in but sadly illegally according to the feds. so i guess i am a criminal.
and if you grow sadly you too are a criminal and a hipocrite as well for assuming you arent a criminal and calling me one.
as for the rest of my life and handouts. i earn my living and pay my bills and support my family as best i can in this economy.
if someone beat your kids ass and put them in the hospital over some petty shoplifting you would make certain they paid the piper for it. if you would sit back and do nothing you either have no kids or dont love them.
did i need to be punished for stealing to learn a lesson. sure i did, but at the hands of my parents and the judge. not some vigilante with steel toed boots.
by the way it took 2 surgeries to fix the bridge of my nose where he. the adult 30 years old decided to kick a 16 year old in the face.
so if you think i got what i had coming to you then i sincerely hope someday you too get whats coming to you.
also on another topic . why is it there are so many people on rollitup that think they need to pick people apart and bash them when infact they know nothing about them?
it just seems quite too often people here are looking to trash talk someone at any cost

and to the original poster ... sorry to have hijacked your thread for a minute.
get a lawyer and sue the store owners and the clerk in civil court.
also go to the police and file a report so the real criminal ... the one that thinks its ok to hit children can go to jail


Well-Known Member
alrighty. well im 16. and im stupid. and i stole a Gatorade from this store in my town. got out fine walked about 2 blocks away when some guy pulls up in a car and attack's me. he ripped my jacket punched me in the face. and all i did was hold his arms to stop him and yelled at people in car's to get him off me. some guy got out of his car and helped me then i left.

and today a cop i know (from getting introuble for skating) came upto me with a picture and asked me if it was me. i said nope. i didnt admit anything to him. but he told me i was wanted for felony robery. and its amde a felony because the guy attack me and i tryed to get awaY?

what the fuck should i do?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:sad::-(:sad::sad::-(:sad:

i live in cali also

you sure are. :mrgreen::peace: