Thoughts or comments on my first plant.. any comments welcome..

Can we get some grow details please?
Light source
I am new to planting and growing.. but I am using miracle grow and sunlight.. no grow lights.. he is about 3 or so months old.. I have never been able to grow anything bigger than a sprout.. lol so I am very proud of my baby and just going day by day with "Bud" (his name) there are times when I have him outside in the sun and he starts to droop either from the sun or wind and I tend to get scared and bring him back into the house! I think he is beggining to bud out but not sure if I'm doing the things he needs.. I water him in the mornings before I take him out and then again at night when I bring him back in! As a new grower I didn't realize that male pollen would cause a female plant to turn male.. and in my pics there are actually 2 plants in the same pot! I wasn't too confident that my seeds would grow so I tried 2 at once.. and to my surprise they both made it!! I love my plant baby and any advice is appreciated! Thank you for the positive responses!
I do know that makes aren't as potent as females but still smokable but with lots of seeds.. View attachment 4610949
Okay we all know they produce some yes... it takes a shit ton of it to get you high tho. My point was is that it's not even worth smoking. It would be like needing a cigarette but having to smoke a whole pack instead of just 1 to get your fix.
I dont think you understand plant gender and how it all works.
Males produce pollen and then pollinate the female plant. The female plant then produces seeds.
You are also risking pollinating any one else female plants that might be growing near you.
But hey...if you want to smoke a male... it's your plant. Do as you wish.