

Active Member
hey quick question is bio bizz light mix good for growing from start to finish ? I assume it is just wanna double check

Thank you


Well-Known Member
If ammendments are added. I build my own but if memory serves the light mix is just that. A light mix. Start to finish you are looking for somthing like coast of maine stonington blend I think it's called. Some may finish, others will need a boost. Imo a proper built soil can be reused over and over and produce better everytime. I dont think you will find what you are after in the light mix but hey I dont used bagged soil so what do I know. Others will chime in I'm sure!

Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
hey quick question is bio bizz light mix good for growing from start to finish ? I assume it is just wanna double check

Thank you
Perhaps you could share with us with a photo or the details of your nutrients (I mean the ingredient percentages). We don't all use the same nutrients here, so by stating a name with no further info requires us to guess, or worse, have to make us look for ourselves the labels of certain nutrients where we would never in the course of a day.

New members should present pertinent information to the experienced when asking questions. The experienced growers who read posts shouldn't have to spend time looking for information that is relative only to your grow.


Not sure what you want to know. I use bb light mix from start to finish. Obviously you have to add nutes...
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