Stress? Toxicity?


Well-Known Member
Hay everyone. 1st time using a cloner had some banging roots starting to grow. 20200626_111759.jpg

Well when the roots was 2 or 3 inch long. I decided to put them in net pots. Well it ended up taking me 3 hours to get them in. I got side tracked. And the cuttings ended up without any water for about 3 hours. The roots looked sorry for themselves.

Not only that I am also a newbie 2 hydro. I have a RDWC set up. After growing in coco for 10 years.

Well my cuttings are looking pretty sorry for themselves. It's taken 3 of them 6 days for the roots to show out the net pots. I am still waiting on 3 of them. I have the water level pretty high to help the roots come back.

The plants do not look great at the moment. I have 200liters with 70ml of each 3 part ghe flora. 100ml hydro guard. Ph 5.5. UV treated tap water with ppm of 350. My total ppm is 550. 20200705_115521.jpg20200705_115508.jpg20200705_115538.jpg

So yeah the new growth looks darker. Curled inwards with brown tips. I am thinking they are not to happy about getting dry roots when transplanting. But not 100%. And idea's?
I'd personally start at early growth since they are a clone not seedlings

I use GH Flora Trio for my DWC.
Start at about 3/4 strength on those clones, up to 100% in a week or so

Full strength hydroguard always, and add Calmag if yer using RO water

pH 5.6-6 is best toooooooooo
Yeah I'm at about 2/3 strength I'd say. Just because I'm a believer of less is more. Do you think they Are hungry? They kind of look like cuttings that have taken ages to root.
Seemed less than 2/3... But didn't calculate it

Either the pH or food

I'd go with the Early Growth stage at that 2/3 level, they arnt seedlings
I'm using tap water it has a ppm of 350. But I have read that UV treatment can damage mag cal etc. I need to research that more. Because I guess it was pretty high in my tap water. I've never needed cal mag before. But I have some.
Tomorrow I am going to change the res so I'll add more nutes see if they like it
I used to run GH Flora Trio at half strength...then tried full strength and was amazed at the results. Could never do it with Fix Farm trio without burning my plants bad

Why uv treatment?????
I don't have it connected to my system. But use it to fill the res. Just been safe if there is any bad bacteria in my water. I want to kill it before it goes in. Using the hydroguard as a back up
You know I actually have some z7. Paid a crazy price for it compared to what it cost it USA. Hydroguard has bennies in it. It's not a sterilizer. Think I miss read ya haha.
I'd say the nutes are a little weak but your tap water is terrible. I never run my GH less than 3ml/gal when transplanting clones. If UV treatment kills cal mag then that would be a huge problem. I'm not an RO guy but I probably would be if I had your tap water.
I'd say the nutes are a little weak but your tap water is terrible. I never run my GH less than 3ml/gal when transplanting clones. If UV treatment kills cal mag then that would be a huge problem. I'm not an RO guy but I probably would be if I had your tap water.

Yeah my tap water has high ppm's. RO. Is something I will have to look at when I have the funds
That's the thing, I don't think it matter's how much research you do. Because I've spent hours researching stuff, Some people suffer from things like root rot, Some don't and they don't even use a chiller or anything. some swear by RO some people smash it with tap water. I saw some guy on youtube say, Only way he beat the pythium's was by using UV the way I am using it, And just used UC roots with his nutes etc. It's impossible for me to get UC roots, It's not in the UK. I've seen loads of people say UC is the mutts nutts. I've seen a lot of American's in Cali say their tap water is only 120ppm's.

Would under feed plants have new growth that curl's its leaves inwards? with brown tips? Or could the new roots that dried in the 3 hours they was out of water, Along with transplant, Stressed them out, Making them not uptake nutes & water properly making them look a little rough?