***DAT's Art Cave***

Amber is everything Ok there? These paintings are really exceptional. And I look forward to seeing more. Love from Arizona.
Amber is everything Ok there? These paintings are really exceptional. And I look forward to seeing more. Love from Arizona.
It’s ok. I’m trying to get some motivation to finish my circle paintings but just don’t feel it. It’s like one of the many monkeys on my back. I was totally into them and then I got distracted with that target collage I did for my sister and it destroyed my energy for the circle paintings. Lol.
I hated doing that fucking collage for her it was such a pain in the ass. Those covid paintings are ridiculous I can’t believe I even did those . Totally mental. Lol. But I was freaking out back then. I was a complete mess. Now with the pandemic and the killing of George Floyd it’s so depressing.
im in vacation this week so trying to decompress but
Im going to the psychologist tomorrow for some advice and medications.
what are you up to these days?
Well I'm on disability now bc of my fucked up spine. So all I do is paint in my makeshift studio. I can only be on my feet for like six hours then its just too painful to do anything. I'm in bed for sixteen hours a day. But I started physical therapy with this really good therapist (this time) so I'm hopeful I can prevent things from slipping further.
I totally get the mental issues...I've had depression since childhood. I have meds but try not to take em unless I'm suicidal. And the cherry on the cake that is my life I am being tested for leukemia. So feel good sister...we're sort of in the same boat. Love from Arizona.
Well I'm on disability now bc of my fucked up spine. So all I do is paint in my makeshift studio. I can only be on my feet for like six hours then its just too painful to do anything. I'm in bed for sixteen hours a day. But I started physical therapy with this really good therapist (this time) so I'm hopeful I can prevent things from slipping further.
I totally get the mental issues...I've had depression since childhood. I have meds but try not to take em unless I'm suicidal. And the cherry on the cake that is my life I am being tested for leukemia. So feel good sister...we're sort of in the same boat. Love from Arizona.
Damn dude, sorry to hear about your health issues. Hopefully you will get better soon and things improve and the pain becomes less and less over time. :hug:
Finally got the zombies From China I ordered Like 2 months ago. I am spray painting my scrog screen fluorescent green. Then will hot glue them down.
Their arms pivot and so does the torso so there is quite a bit of mixing and matching .