You can do that, I just use the KCl solution because I make plenty and it's cheap. If I get distracted mid work and I leave the pen sitting in the KCL cup it's a non issue where for example RO water or nutes would be bad. (see below). I have noticed with my Apera PH60S that after I take say 5 or 6 readings in soil the pen starts to drift if I don't re-wet it using the KCl, so I just started doing it between each plant.
The pH probes, regardless of manufacturer, have a KCl reference solution in the probe. If this becomes corrupted or depleted then the probe is not happy, could be toast or now require excessive calibration, makes slower readings or is just no longer accurate and needs replacement. Sometimes taking such a probe and soaking it in KCl solution can help bring it back to life for a little but soaking it in RO water for example would make the problem worse. So instead of using tap water for my rinsing solution I use the KCl solution that I mix up every so often.