What did you accomplish today?

Hmm in your first timer look for terps,it says it's done...unless you're going for more weeks...

Nvm.....just went through the journal.....peace
im quick to speak but also quick to correct myself. my mouth moves to fast for my brain but i at least acknowledge it LOL
LOL technically you CAN but will it get hot enough? I use gas indoors. I spent the entire day washing 1/4 of my kitchen LOL oh well, don't do the crime if you can't pay the time.

Yeah I hate electric but for some reason we left the one that came with the house.....it gets hot enough to make the smoke alarm go lol steaks come out awesome I'll have to take a pic next time.
Dude... I’ve been trying so hard to feed the local crows so that they bring me shiny gifts and I become accepted by their highly intelligent murder. Real talk I love/am obsessed with birds and when I learned about Corvid intelligence I really wanted to get in good graces with some. I try unsalted, still in the shell peanuts but to no avail. I’ve heard it called “crow crack.” I also wear big blue mirrored aviators like 99% of the time so I hoped that would make it easy for them to remember my face. Nothing. I even make the same sound when I go out to feed them. I tried it in college around my city apartment (neighbors must have loved the stoner coming out every morning squawking at the crows) with no luck, and now I try it out in the country where I’m lucky to even see a few every now and then. I heard city birds take to feeding better.

That was long. Easiest way to send me into a rant, talk about birds lol (probs because I’m equally obsessed with paleontology).
I’m near fort benning and this how I attract crows step by step
1. Use roto tiller to turn soil
2. Place seed ( corn beans peas) in narrow v-shaped ditch
3. Cover ditch with thin layer of soil
4. Water literally

I believe that as the seed begin to germinate it gives of an aroma that is hard for the crows to resist......squirrels also.

Here’s a little poem to help you remember

“ One for the squirrel , one for the crow, one to rot ,one to grow . “ Sing this as you place the seed on an 8” spacing . The more seed the more crows . In north Ga start this process in early April , in south Ga early March.

One last thing crows are not going to hangout with you even if you have cool sunglasses. J/s
Looks like spiderman visited.
Sometimes I run a mix of strains so plants with stronger branches can support the floppy plants. :cool:
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But sometimes it doesn't work out as expected. I just chopped a plant that had a little bud rot due to poor air circulation.
I probably should have defoliated the tops again about 3 weeks after the flip. :dunce:
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Dude... I’ve been trying so hard to feed the local crows so that they bring me shiny gifts and I become accepted by their highly intelligent murder. Real talk I love/am obsessed with birds and when I learned about Corvid intelligence I really wanted to get in good graces with some. I try unsalted, still in the shell peanuts but to no avail. I’ve heard it called “crow crack.” I also wear big blue mirrored aviators like 99% of the time so I hoped that would make it easy for them to remember my face. Nothing. I even make the same sound when I go out to feed them. I tried it in college around my city apartment (neighbors must have loved the stoner coming out every morning squawking at the crows) with no luck, and now I try it out in the country where I’m lucky to even see a few every now and then. I heard city birds take to feeding better.

That was long. Easiest way to send me into a rant, talk about birds lol (probs because I’m equally obsessed with paleontology).

We've got big Ravens up here & they are vocal as hell. I can imitate many of their calls well but the one that sounds like a Bell, not so much.
When I hear them I'll sometimes hang out underneath the porch & "talk" to them - I've had them circle a dozen times low around the house looking for their "friend".

There are several large warehouses near my shop and I've watched them play in the snow in the winter. One year I watched one with what looked like a plastic coffee can lid - he would fly to the peak of the roof, throw down the lid & flip over on his back & slide down. Before he went over the edge he would hop up, grab his "sled" & fly back up to do it again. Wish I had a vid camera for that one.
If they know you and like you is there any chance you can arrange to work the gig from home? Just tell them the truth and ask. If they say no hand 'em the resignation.

I quit. We have access to the books for large companies that has to be safeguarded, they don't allow remote access to any client data. I offered to finish out the day but they wanted me to leave right away.