
I think we'd have to see a lot more adversity before we see another generation like that. I was really impressed with the organization of the Stoneman Douglas students but they seem to have fallen out of the news cycle. Your 30-40 year window would fall right in line with the rise of libertarian movement in the US.

It really does appear that it's everyone for themselves. I worry how things are going to go this fall when students start returning to school.

I only got this far... I think weed too.
That is all.

California to Release 8,000 Prisoners Early to Make Space During Pandemic
A letter to inmates Thursday said eligible inmates will receive a credit on their sentence effective Aug. 1 to clear space during the pandemic. Releases are expected shortly thereafter, corrections officials said.
We were going to cancel cable as well and then covid showed up and all the comcast stores closed and after spending over an hour trying to get through to customer service on the phone we gave up. But it looks like they have reopened the local store so it's going to be just internet and no cable TV. I can find better stuff on youtube. I like cooking but the Food Network and Cooking channel are nothing more than crappy reality shows and nothing about actual cooking. Youtube is full of some great cooks and thousands of cooking videos. All the channels are going to reality nonsense and going the way of MTV that stopped playing music videos years ago.
We got rid of direct tv right before covid hit. No regrets, took some adjusting.
I have the fire stick and pay a small monthly fee to hulu.
Also have netflix using my nieces account so that is free.
IMDB has a large database of old shows and the beauty is commercial breaks are only one minute or less.
U tube can get all of the news and I no longer have to hear Wolf Blitzer say coming up after this 5 minute commercial break, information that could save your life, stay tuned lol.
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It might be the next best thing to a coronavirus vaccine.

Scientists have devised a way to use the antibody-rich blood plasma of COVID-19 survivors for an upper-arm injection that they say could inoculate people against the virus for months.

Using technology that’s been proven effective in preventing other diseases such as hepatitis A, the injections would be administered to high-risk healthcare workers, nursing home patients, or even at public drive-through sites — potentially protecting millions of lives, the doctors and other experts say.

The two scientists who spearheaded the proposal — an 83-year-old shingles researcher and his counterpart, an HIV gene therapy expert — have garnered widespread support from leading blood and immunology specialists, including those at the center of the nation’s COVID-19 plasma research.

But the idea exists only on paper. Federal officials have twice rejected requests to discuss the proposal, and pharmaceutical companies — even acknowledging the likely efficacy of the plan — have declined to design or manufacture the shots, according to a Times investigation. The lack of interest in launching development of immunity shots comes amid heightened scrutiny of the federal government’s sluggish pandemic response.
It might be the next best thing to a coronavirus vaccine.

Scientists have devised a way to use the antibody-rich blood plasma of COVID-19 survivors for an upper-arm injection that they say could inoculate people against the virus for months.

Using technology that’s been proven effective in preventing other diseases such as hepatitis A, the injections would be administered to high-risk healthcare workers, nursing home patients, or even at public drive-through sites — potentially protecting millions of lives, the doctors and other experts say.

The two scientists who spearheaded the proposal — an 83-year-old shingles researcher and his counterpart, an HIV gene therapy expert — have garnered widespread support from leading blood and immunology specialists, including those at the center of the nation’s COVID-19 plasma research.

But the idea exists only on paper. Federal officials have twice rejected requests to discuss the proposal, and pharmaceutical companies — even acknowledging the likely efficacy of the plan — have declined to design or manufacture the shots, according to a Times investigation. The lack of interest in launching development of immunity shots comes amid heightened scrutiny of the federal government’s sluggish pandemic response.

Nice read
It might be the next best thing to a coronavirus vaccine.

Scientists have devised a way to use the antibody-rich blood plasma of COVID-19 survivors for an upper-arm injection that they say could inoculate people against the virus for months.

Using technology that’s been proven effective in preventing other diseases such as hepatitis A, the injections would be administered to high-risk healthcare workers, nursing home patients, or even at public drive-through sites — potentially protecting millions of lives, the doctors and other experts say.

The two scientists who spearheaded the proposal — an 83-year-old shingles researcher and his counterpart, an HIV gene therapy expert — have garnered widespread support from leading blood and immunology specialists, including those at the center of the nation’s COVID-19 plasma research.

But the idea exists only on paper. Federal officials have twice rejected requests to discuss the proposal, and pharmaceutical companies — even acknowledging the likely efficacy of the plan — have declined to design or manufacture the shots, according to a Times investigation. The lack of interest in launching development of immunity shots comes amid heightened scrutiny of the federal government’s sluggish pandemic response.
I have always maintained that plasma weapons are the future.
But the idea exists only on paper. Federal officials have twice rejected requests to discuss the proposal, and pharmaceutical companies — even acknowledging the likely efficacy of the plan — have declined to design or manufacture the shots, according to a Times investigation. The lack of interest in launching development of immunity shots comes amid heightened scrutiny of the federal government’s sluggish pandemic response.
Irony can be SO f'in sweet some days...... And yes, I'm still sad heor she had to die ...... heartbreaking.

'I thought this was a hoax': Patient in 30s dies after attending 'COVID party'

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (WOAI/KABB) – A patient in their 30s died from the coronavirus after attending what's being called a "COVID party," according to a San Antonio health official.

"Just before the patient died, they looked at their nurse and said 'I think I made a mistake, I thought this was a hoax, but it's not,'"
