Haha this thread has some funny shit ...
It goes to show how big of a misconception organics really are...
Everything in the world is chemical... even you!
In a hydro set up, organics means that you will have to manage a war in your res...
A whole range of bacteria effecting all sorts of chemical reactions... the possibility of it getting out of control is very real....
If you use chemicals, you are putting in your res the same chemicals that would eventually come out of the "organic war"...
Al B. Fuct said something once that I will not forget, as long as I am indoors...
"In an indoor hydro set up, the only living organism should be the Cannabis plant"...
I agree... just because I am not in the hobby of growing bacteria...
Any site about aquaponics will shed a great deal of light on "real" organics...
You can have clean chemicals... you do not have to use pesticides..or other poisons...
But I will say that pot grown outdoors, in properly prepared soil, with organic fertilizers from a good compost pile, will taste better (in my opinion) than anything else.. period... it just has more of that ... earthy tone to it...
So I would keep my plants as the only ones alive in my tent... no bugs at all for me.. big or small...
Well, I have painted the red target on my forehead...lol...
hit me back....