
Don't care what your article says mate I'm qualified to work around it and regularly work alongside the removal teams.
It's dangerous, it kills, the big bits that float about bigger than bacteria absolutely 100% cause asbestosis.
To think otherwise means it's not me that's the idiot.
And to further think that an unsealed face covering gives you any sort of protection from that and microscopic bacteria means there's something genuinely very wrong with your sense of reasoning.
Originally you designated the virus of interest as “it”.
Now you’re using other “it”s, which is confusing.

I don’t argue against needing a respirator for nanoscale toxins and pathogens. Suggesting I did amounts to a straw-man argument. N95s, even worn correctly, won’t catch the tiniest ones. My background is in a synthetic lab, where we went straight to respirators, and volatiles adsorbent cartridges were a must.

But when you bounce topic from macroscopic asbestos dust to bacteria to “it”, your argument loses linearity and context.

Now that we’ve insulted each other about perceived idiocy, what do we play next?
Originally you designated the virus of interest as “it”.
Now you’re using other “it”s, which is confusing.

I don’t argue against needing a respirator for nanoscale toxins and pathogens. Suggesting I did amounts to a straw-man argument. N95s, even worn correctly, won’t catch the tiniest ones. My background is in a synthetic lab, where we went straight to respirators, and volatiles adsorbent cartridges were a must.

But when you bounce topic from macroscopic asbestos dust to bacteria to “it”, your argument loses linearity and context.

Now that we’ve insulted each other about perceived idiocy, what do we play next?
Dunno mate. What you fancy? Always game for monopoly if there's money involved.
Not bad at connect 4 iether.
Think I've melded your comments with another dude. Bit too stoned to tell now tbh. :)