Somebody cut a bunch off my plants


Well-Known Member
So my clones are outside in early flower and some dick cut a bunch of branches off my plants. My question is: is there anyway they'll grow back or am I just going to have to make due with what I have left?
There's this junkie who used to live on the property he cut the top node off a plant that was budding early in February a couple years back. The plant reveged a few months later and it bushed out and we got a huge yeild. So jokes on him.
Like a ninja, need to learn art of Blending into your surroundings, ninja style, or as some call it guerrilla growing.
Dig 6"x6" ditches the length of Your grow. Dig three of them and grow grass in them. Mow It to Look flat. I got one thief in the yard with A broken ankle and another was chased off the property seriosly limping. Just drainage ditches is Your reason for having them. Totally legal. Hate thieves.
Hell yea haha
Dig 6"x6" ditches the length of Your grow. Dig three of them and grow grass in them. Mow It to Look flat. I got one thief in the yard with A broken ankle and another was chased off the property seriosly limping. Just drainage ditches is Your reason for having them. Totally legal. Hate thieves.

i like your style..what do you do for the 'bro' who won't pay for his kewpie?
i like your style..what do you do for the 'bro' who won't pay for his kewpie?
I wouldn't know. No sales here. But I have Had female friends throw monkey wrenches in their relationships by calling their wives and complaining that they didn't do what ever favor they put out for. Crude But effective. Many more questionable yet legal things. Trying to avoid Those situations and be A better less vindictive "Richard".
Dig 6"x6" ditches the length of Your grow. Dig three of them and grow grass in them. Mow It to Look flat. I got one thief in the yard with A broken ankle and another was chased off the property seriosly limping. Just drainage ditches is Your reason for having them. Totally legal. Hate thieves.
That's a good idea. I'm setting up cameras that will inform me when people are on the property. I doubt they are serious burglars because stripping a plant and leaving is just sloppy.
That's a good idea. I'm setting up cameras that will inform me when people are on the property. I doubt they are serious burglars because stripping a plant and leaving is just sloppy.
I have cameras with motion alarms. But you have to sleep. Don't enjoy being woken up to see the deer at 3AM. Lol.